Want to know what books Brian Lyman recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Brian Lyman's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Brian Lyman@MrDrew_Taylor I’ve got Thornton’s book. Great read. (Source)
Initially mentored by William Lloyd Garrison, Douglass spoke widely, using his own story to condemn slavery. By the Civil War, Douglass had become the most famed and widely travelled orator in the nation. In his... more

Barack ObamaAs 2018 draws to a close, I’m continuing a favorite tradition of mine and sharing my year-end lists. It gives me a moment to pause and reflect on the year through the books I found most thought-provoking, inspiring, or just plain loved. It also gives me a chance to highlight talented authors – some who are household names and others who you may not have heard of before. Here’s my best of 2018... (Source)

Eddie S. Glaude Jr.I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. David Blight is brilliant and his new book is absolutely amazing. Check it out. https://t.co/kRbrlHKQrN (Source)

Brian LymanSo yeah, that book is superb. Douglass has been an Admirable Icon for so long that the human being is often lost. I appreciated Bright showing the great achievements next to his daily pleasures and struggles. Also, I didn’t know how funny Douglass could be. (Source)
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