Experts > Aimée Lyn Inhc
Want to know what books Aimée Lyn Inhc recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Aimée Lyn Inhc's favorite book recommendations of all time.
The only comprehensive gathering of Frost's published poetry, this affordable volume offers the entire contents of his eleven books of verse, from A Boy's Will (1913) to In the Clearing (1962). Frost scholar Lathem, who was also a close friend of the four-time Pulitzer Prize-winner, scrupulously annotated the 350-plus poems in this collection, which has been the standard edition of Frost's work since it first appeared in 1969.
Aimée Lyn InhcI never had anyone give me a book that means so much. A beautiful gift from an angel I love to help me on my path. (Source)
In Crazy Sexy Kitchen—a New York Times bestseller—the woman who made prevention hot is now making it delicious! In this book, Kris Carr gives us a Veggie Manifesto for gourmands and novices alike, and it’s filled with inspiration, education, and cooking tips—plus more than 150 nourishing, nosh-worthy recipes. Infused with her signature humor, style, and wit, Crazy Sexy Kitchen redefines the kitchen as headquarters for a wellness revolution. You’ll soon come to see that the goodness born in your kitchen will reach deep into the rest of your life—enriching your health, your... more
Aimée Lyn InhcThis was one of my first cookbooks when I started eating vegan food. I still to this day make recipes from here, It's a great book for beginners. #veganuary (Source)
The revised and expanded edition of the bestseller that changed millions of lives
The science is clear. The results are unmistakable.
You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet.
More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined... more
The science is clear. The results are unmistakable.
You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet.
More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined... more
Aimée Lyn InhcBest book I’ve ever read. (Source)
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