Want to know what books Academic Batgirl recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Academic Batgirl's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Malcolm GladwellI finished it in one sitting, then wept. It's that good. (Source)

Seth GodinThis is the single best audiobook ever recorded by Patti Smith. It is not going to change the way you do business, but it might change the way you live. It's about love and loss and art. (Source)

Academic BatgirlThis book helped me to see how my life as an academic is artful and creative, and gave me renewed faith in embracing risks, innovation, and taking on art with love and strength even when it’s frustrating or “success” is not assured. Recommend! 8/end https://t.co/tkWtSVY6b9 (Source)
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