100 Best Quran Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best quran books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more

This superb new translation of the Qur'an is written in contemporary language that remains faithful to the meaning and spirit of the original, making the text... more

Ayaan Hirsi AliThe Koran is supposed to be the words of God and the Hadith are the sayings and deeds of the prophet. The Koran has the basic commands; the Hadith or the Sunna, is a sort of manual. It is supposed to be a guideline of how to understand the Koran, because people say that it’s not explicit enough. The Hadith is a compilation of six volumes and they are called the Sahith Sitta – Sitta just means six... (Source)

Naeem Ul HaqueThe judiciary must not forget that far far above our constitution is the ultimate book of principles and that is the wholly Quran. Every judge in the country must keep a copy of Quran with translation on his/ her desk so that the judge can realise that the Law of God is Supreme. (Source)

Ahmad ThomsonWhen I accepted Islam I’d done it on the basis of meeting Shaykh Abdalqadir and the people around him, and I realised that I knew nothing about it really. So obviously one of the first things was to learn the basics – and I thought I’d better read the Qur’an because that’s the book of the Muslims! At the time I had the Arberry translation which is accurate, and which in some measure conveys the... (Source)
Award-winning songwriter and pioneering guitarist Bruce Cockburn's life has been shaped by politics, protest, romance, and spiritual discovery. For more than five decades he has toured the globe, visiting far-flung places such as Guatemala, Mali, Mozambique, Afghanistan, and Nepal, performing and speaking out on diverse... more
خواطر وانطباعات من فترة عاشها سيد قطب في ظلال القرآن دوّنها في هذه المجلدات الستة منطلقاً في ذلك من حقيقة أبدية وهي أن القرآن حقيقة ذات كينونة مستمرة كهذا الكون ذاته، الكون كتاب الله المنظور، والقرآن كتاب الله المقروء، وكلاهما شاهد ودليل على صاحبه المبدع، كما أن كليهما كائن ليعمل.
فالكون بنواحيه ما زال يتحرك ويؤدي دوره الذي قدره له بارئه والقرآن كذلك أدى دوره للبشرية، وما يزال هو هو، والإنسان ما يزال هو هو في حقيقته وفي أصل فطرته. وهذا القرآن هو خطاب الله لهذا الإنسان، فيمن خاطبهم الله به، خطاب لا يتغير فهو يخاطبه في أصل فطرته وفي أصل حقيقته، لذا كان لا بد من التمعن أكثر... more

Faisal Javed Khan"The Sealed Nectar" Such an amazing book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Also available in Urdu Translation titled "Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum" https://t.co/TSs4QSm67S (Source)
وقد امتاز تفسير السعدي – رحمه الله – عن غيره بعدة أمورذكرها ابن عثيمين رحمه الله ، وهي:
سهولة الألفاظ وُخُلُّوُه من الحشو والتكلف والتعقيد؛ وذلك لأنه يقتصر على توضيح الآيات وبيان معانيها.
عنايته بأمر العقيدة وشرحها وتوضيحها واهتمامه بالرد على المخالفين من طوائف الضلال بحُجَّةٍ حاضرة وعقل ذكي؛ فعند تفسيره للآية يبين ما فيها من... more
Thousands of hours have been put into this work over the last few years to guarantee accuracy, clarity, eloquence, and flow. To achieve accuracy, the translator has made use of the greatest and most celebrated works of old and modern tafsir (Quran commentaries), and shared the work with several Imams in North America for feedback and... more
Pernah baca? - Ada juga sekali sekala
Pernah hafal? - Pernah. Dulu. Semasa belajar.
Ada masalah dengan Al-Quran? Ada. Entah kenapa kurang minat. Baca pun tidak faham. Kurang menarik. Bagaimana mahu jadikan ia menarik?
Melihat hurufnya, mendengar alunan bacaannya, malah membaca isi kandungannya sudah dijanjikan ganjaran yang besar, apatah lagi sekiranya mentadabbur dan mengamalkan segala suruhannya.
Buku Adab Berdamping dengan Al-Quran karya Imam An-Nawawi menggariskan panduan yang jelas berpandukan Al-Quran... more

Ayaan Hirsi AliThere are four schools of thought in the Sunni (I was brought up a Sunni) and all four schools of thought agree it means: first of all, warn her, like a child. If she carries on this way, then the next step is not to share her bed, as a way of showing how disgruntled you are with her behaviour. Finally, there are the beatings, and the four schools of thought then go on to describe in detail how... (Source)
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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An insightful and authoritative introduction to the book at the heart of Muslim life, written by a well-known Islamic scholar
Examines the doctrines contained in the Qur'an, providing a comprehensive explanation of their significance to individual Muslims and the societies in which they live
Surveys the key themes of the Qur'an, its most significant historical interpretations, and some of the most significant figures who transmitted and taught the sacred... more
Filled with inspirational stories for your heart and memorization techniques for your mind, The Crowning Venture reminds us that memorizing the Quran is not an achievement to be conquered, it's a journey to savor. A journey YOU can make. less
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- يشعر القارئ لهذا الكتاب بأنه أمام مشروع عقلي ضخم لا يجد أمامه إلا التسليم بقوة أدلته وصرامة منهجيته .
- وهو بحق من أبدع ما كتبه المعاصرون , ومن أقوى ما يؤسس القناعة بصدق القرآن ومن أشد ما يبدد الشكوك حول مصدره وصدقه .
المواضيع التي تناولها:
- البحث الأول "في تحديد معنى القرآن".
- المعنى اللغوي والاشتقاقي لكلمتي: "قرآن" و"كتاب".
- سر التسمية بالاسمين جميعًا.
- سر اختصاص القرآن بالخلود وعدم التحريف، دون الكتب... more
"To live a meaningful life--one that brings us joy, contentment and fulfillment--we have to do the inner spiritual work of becoming a more complete human being."
--from the Introduction
Over the centuries, Islamic sages have gleaned timeless spiritual insights and practices from sacred texts, meditation and knowledge of the heart--gems that have been passed down from generation to generation. This book invites you--no matter what your practice may be--to access the treasure chest of... more
Here are some examples of those powerful Duas:
Dua that a few young people who were being persecuted made to Allah to ask for His guidance and wisdom in their affairs A Quranic Dua about which Prophet Muhammad (s) said, "No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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An introduction to the Qur'an and its eternal message for humanity is included, giving the reader an insight into its origin, purpose, and style.
Abdur Raheem Kidwai is professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim University in India and the... more
Authored by forty-three international experts, the objective of The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia is to present this diversity of thought, approach and school... more
Beginning with a historical analysis of religious authority and knowledge, Barlas shows how Muslims came to read inequality... more
If the Oceans Were Ink is Carla Power's eye-opening story of how she and her longtime friend Sheikh Mohammad Akram Nadwi found a way to confront ugly stereotypes and persistent misperceptions that were cleaving their communities. Their... more
The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding: the process of Inspiration (wahy); the various means of classifying verses of the Qur'aan; the history of the compilation of the Qur'aan; the meaning of the seven ahruf and the ten qira'aat of the Qur'aan; the miraculous nature of the Qur'aan; the concept of abrogation in the Qur'aan; the procedure and... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Misquoting Muhammad takes the reader back in time through Islamic civilization and traces how and why such controversies developed, offering an... more
Secrets of Divine Love draws upon spiritual secrets of the Qur'an, ancient mystical poetry, and stories from the world's greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts, and deepen your connection with God.
Through the use of scientific evidence, practical exercises, and guided meditations, you will develop the tools and awareness needed to discern and overcome your negative inner critic that prevents you from... more
In Reading the Qur'an, Sardar--one of Europe's leading public intellectuals--laments that for far too many Muslims, the Qur'an he had learned in his mother's lap has become a stick used for ensuring conformity and suppressing dissenting views. Indeed, some find in the Qur'an justification for misogyny, validation for hatred... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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This collection of essays is disarmingly simple, yet it challenges us to change. To revise our actions, our assumptions and our beliefs so we can be transformed from within, as well as externally.
It aims to help modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and to address the challenges facing believers today: the disunity in the Muslim community, terrorists acting in the name of... more
This book explains the concept of the accent(an-nabr) in the recitation of the Glorious Qur'an and the conditions of its use, it also defines and explains the important chapter on the characteristics of the letters, velarization and attenuation (tafkheem and tarqeeq) are covered in the... more
On the Nature of the Divine analyses the works of Sunni, Shi'i, Ibadi, Mu'tazili, and Sufi commentators on six Qur'anic verses, revealing varied approaches to the scripture and its meaning. In their attempts to discern God's nature, the commentators inevitably introduce... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Whether exploring the thorny issues of wives’ sexual duties, divorce, homosexuality, or sex outside marriage, discussions of sexual ethics and Islam often spark heated conflict rather than reasoned argument. In this groundbreaking, lucid, and carefully constructed work, feminist Muslim scholar Dr Kecia Ali asks how one can determine what makes sex lawful and ethical in the sight of God.
This updated Tenth Anniversary Edition takes into account how the world has changed in the decade since the first edition, including... more
For many in the West, the teachings of the Qur'an often are enshrouded in mystery and fear. Yet Islam's holy book gave birth to one of the most powerful and enlightened civilizations the world has ever seen. By the sixteenth century, Muslim culture stretched from India to Africa to Europe, preserving with it the ancient learning that helped spawn the Renaissance. With its interwoven ideas of faith and reason, justice and mercy, the path of Islam--which literally means "surrendering to... more
What used to be an exotic religion of people halfway around the world is now the belief system of people living across the street. Through fair, contextual use of the Qur'an as the primary source text, apologist James R. White presents Islamic beliefs about Christ, salvation, the Trinity, the afterlife, and other important topics. White shows how the sacred text of Islam differs from the teachings of the Bible in order to help Christians engage in open, honest discussions with Muslims. less
The basic question is whether or not Muslims can modernize their societies... more
Garry Wills has spent a lifetime thinking and writing about Christianity. In What the Qur'an Meant, Wills invites readers to join him as he embarks on a timely and necessary reconsideration of the Qur'an, leading us through perplexing passages with insight and erudition. What does the Qur'an actually say about veiling women? Does it justify religious war?
There was a time when ordinary Americans did not have... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Available for the first time in accurate and annotated English, this fundamental tome—originally written by Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti—presents one of the most easily accessible works of Quranic exegesis in a simple style and concise single-volume... more
With the help of this picture book your children will be able to read Juzz Amma in Arabic and instantly know the simple meaning of the verses through engaging illustrations.
It will help your children visualise the simple meanings of the verses which will later make the Tafsir and the explanations of the verses easier for them to grasp.
This bright and colourful book will also help make memorising the Quran... more
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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سطوة القرآن ، تأمل .. كيف انبهروا ، منازل الأشعريين ،
القلوب الصخرية ، الشاردون ، تطويل الطريق ، من مناطق التدبر ، كل المنهج في أم الكتاب ، دوي الليالي الرمضانية ، الحبل الناظم في كتاب الله
وخاتمة يتناول الكتاب القرآن في حياتنا
تنبض بين صفحاته غيرة ورغبة في إيقاظ الأمة كلماته عذبة وتأملاته غاية في الجمال والروعة له وقفات تأملية في استشعار ذكر الله في كل الأحوال less
“Without countervailing voices, naming and challenging power, political freedom withers and dies. Without countervailing voices, a better world can never materialise. Without countervailing voices, wells will still be dug and bridges will still be built, but only for the few. Food will still be grown, but it will not reach the mouths of the poor. New medicines will be developed, but they will be inaccessible to many of those in need.”
George Monbiot is one... more
Who is Allah? What makes Him unique? And what does He ask of those who submit to His teachings? In the spirit of his Pulitzer Prize-winning God, a trailblazing "biography" of the protagonist of the Old Testament, and Christ, his brilliant portrait of biblical Jesus, acclaimed religious scholar Jack Miles undertakes to answer these questions... more
Meeting the ever increasing interest in Islam and Sufism, this book is the first comprehensive study of Sufi Qur'anic commentaries and includes translations of many writings previously unavailable in English. It examines the shared hermeneutical assumptions of Sufi writers and the diversity in style of Sufi commentaries. Some of the assumptions analyzed are:
* the Qur'an is a multi-layered and ambiguous text open to endless interpretation
* the knowledge of deeper meanings of the Qur'an is attainable by means other than transmitted interpretations and rational thought
* the...
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Major Themes of the Qur’an is Fazlur Rahman’s introduction to one of the richest texts in the history of religious thought. In this classic work, Rahman unravels the Qur’an’s complexities on themes such as God, society, revelation, and prophecy with the deep attachment of a Muslim educated in Islamic schools and the clarity of a scholar who taught for decades in the West.
“Generations of scholars have profited from [Rahman’s] pioneering scholarly work by taking the questions he raised and the directions he outlined to new...
إنها البوصلة الهادية إلى الطريق الصحيح في لُججِ البحار، أو في متاهات الأرض.. بل وفي ضياع النفس الإنسانية هنا وهناك لا تصل إلى غايتها السعيدة.
وهي بوصلة لا تكون إلا بيد مَن يحسنُ استخدامَها الاستخدامَ الأمثل، لتهتدي إلى الطريق الذي رسمه الله، فإذا أضاعها المسلمون بطول الأمد والركون إلى الأفكار القديمة البالية، يمكن لغيرهم أن يسترشد بها ويصل إلى القصد السويّ.. إلى حيث أراد الله.
إنَّ على الأمة أن تتحسَّسَ هذا البوصلة الموصلة، التي علاها الصدأ، فأساؤوا استخدامها.ـ less
Fatima D’Oyen was born in New York in 1960 and embraced Islam in 1979. An author of several books for Muslim children, she has also been active in Islamic education since 1983 in the United... more
Chapter 1: The Qur'an and... more
The first group of Surahs (al-Fatihah, al-Baqarah, al 'Imran, al-Nisa' and al-Ma'idah) are introduced and examined in this volume, with the author looking at their structure and major themes. The central theme of which is conferring the status of Muslim ummah on the believers, to which a new code of life was given to be followed to be better humans.
About the Authors
Abdur Rashid Siddiqui is the author of many... more
وهو يقدم عرضا تفصيليا لما في السورة ويتحدث عن ارتباط آياتها
عدد المجلدات: 30
رابط التحميل:
http://www.waqfeya.com/book.php?bid=918 less
Don't have time to read the top Quran books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.