100 Best Numerical Analysis Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best numerical analysis books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more

An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.

Eric Weinstein[Eric Weinstein recommended this book on Twitter.] (Source)
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Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Author Ronald A. Howard, Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford... more
For practical reasons, the finite element method, used more often for... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Based on each author's more than 40 years of experience in teaching university courses, this book offers lucid,... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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interactions with other areas of science, and this volume shows how concepts of dynamical systems further the understanding of mathematical issues that arise in applications. Although modeling issues are addressed, the central theme is the mathematically rigorous investigation of the resulting differential equations and their dynamic behavior. However, the authors and editors have made an effort to ensure readability on a... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Following an introductory chapter on sources of error and computer arithmetic, the text covers such topics as approximation and algorithms, interpolation, numerical differentiation and numerical quadrature, the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, functional... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Those who compute with real numbers (for example, floating-point numbers stored with limited precision) tend to develop techniques that increase the frequency of useful answers. But... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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The book offers a broad modern... more
An extensive range of topics includes round-off and function evaluation, real zeros of a function, simultaneous linear equations and matrices, interpolation and roundoff estimation, integration, and ordinary differential equations. Additional subjects... more
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Two- and three-dimensional integral equation/method-of-moments formulations Open-region... more
"Finding" useful functions and "using" them correctly, efficiently, and in easily readable code are two very different things. You'll learn by example with some of the best code available, selected to cover a wide range of SciPy and related libraries including scikit-learn, scikit-image,... more
Don't have time to read the top Numerical Analysis books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
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- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.