100 Best Martial Arts Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best martial arts books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
Minford opens with a lively,... more

Reid HoffmanReid read Carl von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu as a boy, which informed his strategic thinking. (Source)

Neil deGrasse TysonWhich books should be read by every single intelligent person on planet? [...] The Art of War (Sun Tsu) [to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art]. If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world. (Source)

Evan SpiegelAfter meeting Mark Zuckerberg, [Evan Spiegel] immediately bought every [Snapchat] employee a copy of 'The Art Of War'. (Source)

Ed Latimore[I recommend this book] for your body. (Source)

Ryan HolidayWidely held as a classic, this book is much more than a manifesto and manual on swordsmanship and martial arts. It’s about the mindset, the discipline, and the perception necessary to win in life or death situations. As a swordsman, Musashi fought mostly by himself, for himself. His wisdom, therefore, is mostly internal. He tells you how to out-think and out-move your enemies. He tells you how to... (Source)

Zach Even EshLove this book & should have re-read long ago. . It only takes a page or 2 to change your life IF YOU FOLLOW THROUGH. . #musashi #samurai #undergroundstrengthgym #undergroundstrengthcoach #undergroundstrengthbook… https://t.co/zL8zxUwCJG (Source)

Stephane GrandI do not believe there are business and non-business books. Business is life, you do business like the man or woman you excavate from the person you are told you are. Hence, the most potent business books are not about business, in my opinion. What makes a great business book is that it is a book that helps you find a better version of yourself. Therefore, I would say that my favorite business... (Source)
This... more
The work represents an attitude far removed from our modern pragmatism and... more
Aikido was created in Japan in the 1920's by Morihei Ueshiba, also known as Osensei. To possess the skills, techniques and attitude of the faithful practitioner of aikido, one must achieve a very high level of integration of the powers of mind and body, the harmonious combination of physical means and ethical motives. By controlling body position and learning how to harmonize important physical and... more
Within the pages of Striking Thoughts, you will find the secrets of Bruce Lee's amazing success— as an actor, martial artist, and inspiration to the world. Consisting of eight sections, Striking Thoughts covers 72 topics and 825 aphorisms—from spirituality to personal liberation and from family life to filmmaking—all of which Bruce lived by.
His ideas helped energize his life and career,... more
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The Japanese have always closely associated the sword and the spirit, but it was in the 1600s during the Tokugawa shogunate when the techniques of swordsmanship became forever associated with the spirit of Zen. The Unfettered Mind is a book of advice on swordsmanship and the cultivation of right mind and intention, written by the 17th-century Zen master Takuan Soho (1573-1645). Takuan was a gardener, calligrapher, poet, author, adviser to samurai and shoguns, and a pivotal figure in Zen painting. He was also known for his brilliance and acerbic wit. The succinct and pointed essays...

Kaci Lambe KaiI'm an avid martial artist and I'm currently training to become a Krav Maga instructor. I take this work very seriously and this is part of my studies in the world of self defense. (Source)
This book is the result of the author’s six year quest to learn archery in the hands of Japanese Zen masters. It is an honest account of one man’s journey to complete abandonment of ‘the self’ and the Western principles that we use to define ourselves. Professor Herrigel imparts knowledge from his experiences and guides the reader through physical and spiritual lessons in a clear and insightful way.
Mastering archery is not... more

Adam Robinson[One of five books that confirm] there is far, far more in our unconscious mind than is dreamt of in our philosophy. (Source)

Adam Robinson[One of five books that confirm] there is far, far more in our unconscious mind than is dreamt of in our philosophy. (Source)

Dave Elitch[I give this book] to people all the time. (Source)

Secret Agent Number SixWhat is your favorite book? Mine are Bruce Lee's Fighting Methods. https://t.co/pAinxSCil1 (Source)
The Art of Expressing the Human Body, a title coined by Bruce Lee himself to describe his approach to martial arts, documents the techniques he used so effectively to perfect his body for superior health and muscularity.
Beyond his martial arts and acting abilities, Lee's physical appearance and strength were truly astounding. He achieved this through an intensive and ever-evolving conditioning regime that is being revealed for the first time in... more
Code of the Samurai is a four-hundred-year-old explication of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido, the Japanese Way of the Warrior. Bushido has played a significant role in shaping the behavior of modern Japanese government, corporations, society, and individuals, as well as in developing modern Japanese martial arts within Japan and internationally.
The Japanese original of this book, Bushido Shoshinshu,... more

Nick RolovichNo event sparked this tweet. All is well in paradise, trust me. It was a quote that I found insightful from the book Code of the Samurai. Everyone back to enjoying Hawaii. Nothing to see here. (Source)
Over a hundred years ago Jigoro Kano mastered swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. Failing to discover any underlying principle, he set about designing a new martial art to reflect the concept of maximum efficiency in the use of physical and mental energy. Today, the concepts and... more
Miyamoto Musashi was the child of an era when Japan was emerging from decades of civil strife. Lured to the great Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 by the hope of becoming a samurai-without really knowing what it meant-he regains consciousness after the battle to find himself lying defeated, dazed and wounded among thousands of the dead and dying. On his way home, he commits a rash act, becomes a fugitive and brings life in his own village to a standstill-until he is captured by a weaponless Zen... more

Timothy FerrissI bought this book at Kinokuniya bookstore in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It is as thick as a Harry Potter book, probably thicker, but the pages are as thin as onion skin. It’s a serious tome. I never expected to finish it, and I tore through it in less than two weeks. If you’re like me and enjoy a good Samurai story – the wandering ronin, epic battle scenes with lots of penetrating (wisdom), then you’ll... (Source)

Cliff HartonoMy favourite non-business book is probably Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. It is a fictionalized history of Musashi Miyamoto, who is known in Japan as its greatest swordsman and warrior. He is probably one of the most underappreciated people in history – after being undefeated in countless duels, he became an accomplished architect, painter, sculptor, writer and philosopher. A captivating book about... (Source)
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Written more than two thousand years ago, the Tao Teh Ching, or -The Classic of the Way and Its Virtue, - is one of the true classics of the world of spiritual literature. Traditionally attributed to the legendary -Old Master, - Lao Tzu, the Tao Teh Ching teaches that the qualities of the enlightened sage or ideal ruler are identical with those of the perfected individual. Today, Lao Tzu's words are as useful in mastering the arts of leadership in... more

Tim O'ReillyThe Way of Life According to Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching), translated by Witter Bynner. My personal religious philosophy, stressing the rightness of what is, if only we can accept it. Most people who know me have heard me quote from this book. "Seeing as how nothing is outside the vast, wide-meshed net of heaven, who is there to say just how it is cast?" (Source)

Naval RavikantIn the philosophy side, I’ve been rereading the Tao Te Ching. (Source)

Jack DorseyQ: What are the books that had a major influence on you? Or simply the ones you like the most. : Tao te Ching, score takes care of itself, between the world and me, the four agreements, the old man and the sea...I love reading! (Source)
During his lifetime, legendary martial artist Bruce Lee formulated a complex personal philosophy--a synthesis of Eastern and Western ideals--that extolled the virtues of knowledge and total mastery of one's self. However, most of his philosophical writings could be found only within the personal library of the Bruce Lee estate--until now. The Warrior Within is the most comprehensive volume of these teachings, meant to help you apply... more
Jeet Kune Do was a revolutionary new approach to the martial arts in its time and is the principal reason why Bruce Lee is revered as a pioneer by martial artists today, many decades after his death. The development of his unique martial art form—its principles, core techniques, and lesson plans—are all presented in this book in Bruce Lee's own words and notes. This book is the complete and official version of Jeet Kune... more
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Las responsabilidades personales, las relaciones familiares, los deberes públicos, la educación, las... more
The Tao of Gung Fu includes insights into various Chinese martial arts and training methodologies, sketches of martial arts techniques, Lee's personal scrapbook of his famous thesis, "The Tao of Gung Fu."... more
This book stands alone as an introduction to the context of self-defense. There are seven elements that must be addressed to bring self-defense training to something approaching 'complete.' Any training that dismisses any of these areas leaves you vulnerable.
1. Legal and ethical implications. A student learning self-defense must learn force law. Otherwise it is possible to train to go to prison. Side by side with the legal rules, every student must explore his or her own ethical limitations. Most do not really... more
Aikido-a modern Japanese martial art unique in its synthesis of classic forms with a well-defined spiritual base-offers a key to the art of living naturally and unselfishly in a complicated world. This book explains it in reference to the founder's philosophy of mind-and action. In addition, the history of aikido's prewar development as a non-competitive new martial art is described, with a consideration of its international role. less

Michael GervaisOne of Bruce Lee’s primary missions in life was to authentically express himself. He also had a high need for public expression of his excellence. And he found it in the arts. He just holds up the flag for the balance between a deep internal investigation, and a relentless commitment to an external craft. (Source)

Ryan HolidayI read both of Sam Sheridan’s books A Fighter’s Heart and A Fighter’s Mind this year and they are both spectacular. Don’t be put off by the subject matter. They are good. (Source)
Woven deeply into the martial traditions and folklore of Japan, the fearsome Tengu dwell in the country's mountain forest. Mythical half-man, half-bird creatures with long noses, Tengu have always inspired dread and... more
-- techniques that, when thoroughly mastered, enable the gentle to overcome the strong
-- exercise and sport for men and women of all ages, based on natural movements and harmony of mind and body
Ancient theory, modern practice: Dynamic Aikido brings together the whole spectrum of theoretical and applied aikido. Through it, one can become perfectly attuned to one's opponent, can sense his intentions and turn his movements to one's own advantage. Comprehensive... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Aikido students will be familiar with photographs and... more
Unwarranted fear is a curse.
Learn how to tell the difference.
A date won't take "no" for an answer. The new nanny gives a mother an uneasy feeling. A stranger in a deserted parking lot offers unsolicited help. The threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves, by learning to trust—and act on—our gut instincts.
In this empowering book, Gavin de Becker, the man Oprah Winfrey calls the nation's leading expert on violent behavior, shows you how to spot even subtle signs of danger—before it's too late.... more

David Heinemeier HanssonThe Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker shares a bunch of anecdotes from violent attacks, how the victims often knew per instinct that something wasn’t right, but suppressed that instinct for fear of seeming rude or silly or whatever. He also presents a bunch of analytical frameworks for evaluating threats, stalkers, and other menaces. But it’s not a dry textbook. Gavin had a violent upbringing and... (Source)

Nicholas C. ZakasIf I had a daughter, girlfriend, or wife, I’d highly recommend this book to them. https://t.co/rwuAY7cIXw Less useful for men unless you have reason to fear assassination, but an interesting read nonetheless. (Source)
Why does this wolf think he can come to town and blow all the houses down? These three little pigs just aren't going to take it from that bully anymore! The first starts aikido lessons---he'll make mincemeat out of that wolf! His brother learns a little jujitsu--he'll chop that guy to pieces!
But when the wolf actually appears, it turs out these two pigs aren't quite ready after all. Good thing their sister has been training every day to master some serious karate moves that save the day. KIYA!

Ryan HolidayI read both of Sam Sheridan’s books A Fighter’s Heart and A Fighter’s Mind this year and they are both spectacular. Don’t be put off by the subject matter. They are good. (Source)
Written by two warriors who have been there and done that, On Combat looks at what happens to the human body under the stresses of deadly battle the impact on the nervous system, heart, breathing, visual and... more
Grandmaster Ip Chun is regarded as the world's leading authority on Wing Chun. Bruce Lee--Wing Chun's most famous student--was taught by Ip Chun's father, Grandmaster Ip Man.... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Ninjutsu, the least understood of the Japanese martial arts, is an ancient fighting style emphasizing natural movement, responsiveness to adversaries, and absolute practicality. In feudal Japan, ninja were feared for their skill in espionage and, particularly, assassination. Masters of weaponry, stealth, and martial techniques, ninja were credited with supernatural powers because of the near-invincibility of their unique and deadly art.
In... more
Drawing from his highly regarded magazine columns in Black Belt magazine, author Dave Lowry sets out lessons that not only guide us to a deeper understanding of the social values and moral imperatives that are the ancient heart of budo, but speak to us also of the universal nature of those values and of how they remain relevant to us, in the modern West.
Among the 45... more
The most authoritative biography—featuring dozens of rarely seen photographs—of film legend Bruce Lee, who made martial arts a global phenomenon, bridged the divide between Eastern and Western cultures, and smashed long-held stereotypes of Asians and Asian-Americans.
Forty-five years after Bruce Lee’s sudden death at age thirty-two, journalist and bestselling author Matthew Polly has written... more
In this collection of lively, detailed essays, Dave Lowry, one of the most well-known and respected swordsmen in the United States,... more
In 1962 at age twenty-two, C. W. Nicol left Wales to study Karate in Japan. He quickly found that the study of the martial art engaged his whole being and transformed his outlook on life. Moving Zen is the multifaceted story of a young man who arrived in Japan to study the technique of, and spirit behind, Karate.
Joining the Japan Karate Association, or Shotokan, Nicol discovered that Karate, while extremely violent, also called for politeness and a sense of mutual trust and responsibility.... more
The ideal weapon for self-defense is a stick. To find a comprehensive system of techniques using the stick, we must turn to the East, for systems known to the West have fallen into disuse. In this book, the techniques of Kukishin Ryu-an ancient Japanese method-have been updated and adapted for use today. A thorough grounding in the fundamentals dealt with here will enable you to disarm and control any assailant.
Section 1: Basic Movements more

Joan BoixadosRecover soon from your mistakes. (Source)

Erik RostadFor career books, I'll focus on more overarching themes. You can get books on particular skills you need for a given job, but these books will help having the right mindset for a career and how work should fit into the greater story of your life. For learning new skills: The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin. (Source)

Chris OliverThe Art of Learning as well is phenomenal. You're always learning new things in programming and startups so being good at learning is a crucial skill to have. (Source)
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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In Traditions, Dave Lowry discusses unique aspects of budo ranging from hacho, or deliberate asymmetry, to uke-waza, the art of "receiving" an attack. The spirit of ryomi, the process of self-evaluation and improvement, is illustrated through the story of Kaofujita, a master swordsman who never stopped practicing... more
The fundamentals as presented in this volume, briefly but accurately, are the distillation of the author's forty-six years' experience in this art of self-defense. As well as setting forth the basic rules that must be put into practice when performing kata or applying techniques in kumite, this volume pinpoints the underlying physical and physiological principles... more
The preface... more
In addition to breaking down the principles behind the punches, Dr. Thalken, a computational physicist with a long history of martial arts across various styles, applies the mind-set of a physicist to a number of... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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The ancient masters developed kata, or "formal exercises," as fault-tolerant methods to preserve their unique, combat-proven fighting systems. Unfortunately, they deployed a two-track system of instruction where an 'outer circle' of students unknowingly received modified forms with critical details or important principles omitted. Only the select 'inner circle' that had gained a master's trust and respect would be taught okuden waza, the powerful hidden applications of kata.
The theory of deciphering... more
Kicking (Ti) Striking (Da) Wrestling (Shuai) Seize-Controlling (Na) Seize-Controlling Chin Na techniques can be effectively used against an opponents grabbing attacks as well as against wrestling. Pressing and striking Chin Na can be used to seal the opponents breathing, vein/artery, or Qi circulation, which can cause severe pain, numbness, and unconsciousness. Some techniques can even be fatal.
Most of Chin Na can be learned easily and be adopted into... more
Every time you engage in violence, no matter how... more
Although Dr. Yang has published other Chin Na books, both fundamental and advanced texts, he believes this work is necessary in order to make this art more complete and alive. Therefore, in addition to... more
Forty-two examples of Lowry's calligraphy, accompanied by his essays, show how the way of the brush reflects the strategic principles of the way of the sword. Each calligraphy represents a term from the martial arts—such as do, the way, or wa, harmony. The accompanying text amplifies our understanding of the term, what it meant to... more
“Darren Levine has my unqualified support and gratitude for his
contributions to Krav Maga.” —Imi Lichtenfeld, founder of Krav Maga
The official self-defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces, Krav Maga offers
you an easy-to-learn yet highly effective self-defense system that emphasizes
instinctive movements, practical techniques and realistic training scenarios.
Based on the principle that it is best to move from defense to attack as quickly
as possible, Complete Krav Maga teaches fast-escape... more
Twelve years ago the Village Hidden in the Leaves was attacked by a fearsome threat. A nine-tailed fox spirit claimed the life of the village leader, the Hokage, and many others. Today, the village is at peace, and a troublemaking kid named Naruto is struggling to graduate from Ninja Academy. His goal may be to become Hokage, but his true destiny will be... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
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- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
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The best of both Eastern and Western stick fighting techniques
The Art and Science of Stick Fighting is a unique, non-style specific, approach to fighting with the short stick. Its curriculum is streamlined and divided into nine logical stages of training that allow the reader to quickly and methodically learn and develop the skills needed for fighting with the stick. Whether you are just starting out, or have been practicing stick fighting for... more
Your strongest posture is the one that fits your constitution.
That cannot be taught to you, you have to find it for yourself.
It is not a question of widening your stance or narrowing it,
if the truth be told.
But, people will do what is comfortable for them, so if you allow them to,
they will just make it up for themselves.
That is why, you must always return to the basics.
This is what is important.
-Gozo Shioda
Aikido students and enthusiasts the world over will be delighted with this... more
In recent years, the grappling arts have proven to be the most effective form of combat in mixed martial arts (MMA) and no-holds-barred (NHB) competitions. Above all others, the Gracie brand of Brazilian jujitsu has become recognized as the preeminent fighting style in unarmed combat. Now Renzo Gracie--instructor; competitor; and champion of numerous grappling, MMA, and NHB events--reveals the inner workings of the art in his latest book, Mastering Jujitsu.
From the origins of the art to personal techniques, you will experience the impact the Gracies have had on... more

Ben ShapiroAll about why it is that men love watching fights. (Source)
The re-edition of Bruce Lee’s original thoughts on kung fu offers martial arts enthusiasts and collectors exactly what they want: more Lee. Featuring... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Hojo Undo means 'supplementary training', and using these tools is the key for developing the devastating power of karate techniques. Without Hojo Undo, a practitioner cannot reach the profound strength levels required for a lifetime of karate training.
This book details how to construct and use many training tools; provides accurate mechanical drawings, comprehensive training methods, and an historical context to understand why Hojo Undo was created in 'old' Okinawa.
Warm up exercises Detailed construction... more
The author shows that the physical movement of Aikido is the embodiment of principles of the spirit. Negative force is not countered with aggression but is controlled and redirected through the power and balance of spiral... more
The goal of this project had from the start been to surpass the current standard in the martial arts literary market, and offer readers worldwide something which they have... more
Use too little force and you're in for a world of hurt.
Conflict and violence cover a broad range of behaviors, from intimidation to murder, and they require an equally broad range of responses. A kind word will not resolve all situations, nor will wristlocks, punches or even a gun.
In Scaling Force the authors introduce you to the full range of options, from skillfully doing nothing to applying deadly force. They realistically guide you through understanding the limits of each type of force, when specific levels... more
Musashi's best-known work, The Book of Five Rings , provides timeless insight into the nature of conflict. Tokitsu translates and provides extensive commentary on that popular work, as well as three other short... more
This book stands apart from other staff training manuals. While most titles focus on forms and twirling, The Art and Science of Staff Fighting emphasizes the dynamics of combat. The author draws on thirty years of martial experience, presenting the best of both Eastern and Western traditions.
Joe Varady lays out a comprehensive course of study in nine levels, from beginner to expert. He guides readers through such fundamentals as stances, striking, blocking, and footwork. In advanced lessons, readers learn disarming techniques,... more
In this essential book, self-protection expert and former military intelligence officer Tim Larkin changes the way we think about violence in order to save our lives. By deconstructing our assumptions about violence -- its morality, its function in modern society, how it actually works -- Larkin unlocks the shackles of our own... more
Don't have time to read the top Martial Arts books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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