65 Best LSAT Prep Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best lsat prep books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more

Teachers, students, and reviewers all agree: The LSAT Trainer is the most indispensable LSAT prep product available today. Whether you are new to the LSAT or have been studying for a while, you will find invaluable benefit in the Trainer's teachings, strategies, drills, and solutions.The LSAT Trainer includes: over 200 official LSAT questions and real-time solutions, simple and battle-tested strategies for every type of Logical Reasoning question, Reading Comprehension question, and Logic Gameover 30 original and unique drills designed to help develop LSAT-specific skills and habits, access... more
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, score-conversion tables, and sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations. less
Kaplan's LSAT Prep Plus 2020–2021 is updated for the Digital LSAT and features official LSAT practice questions, an official practice exam, and in-depth strategies to help you score higher. You'll learn how to apply your skills and strategies with instructor-led online workshops and expert videos so you can face the new LSAT format with confidence.
We are so certain that LSAT Prep Plus 2020–2021 offers all the knowledge you need to excel on the LSAT that we guarantee it: after studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the LSAT—or... more
We are so certain that LSAT Prep Plus 2020–2021 offers all the knowledge you need to excel on the LSAT that we guarantee it: after studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the LSAT—or... more
The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible is the most comprehensive book available for the Logic Reasoning section of the LSAT. This book will provide you with an advanced system for attacking any Logical Reasoning question that you may encounter on the LSAT. The concepts presented in the Logical Reasoning Bible are representative of the techniques covered in PowerScore's live courses and have been consistently proven effective for thousands of our students. The book features and explains a detailed methodology for attacking all aspects of Logic Reasoning problems, including recognizing... more
Comparative Reading questions first appeared in the LSAT in 2007. Our new 10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests book is the first one ever to include previously administered Comparative Reading questions. This essential LSAT preparation tool encompasses PrepTest 52 (the September 2007 LSAT) through PrepTest 61 (the October 2010 LSAT).
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, and score-conversion tables. less
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, and score-conversion tables. less
Manhattan Prep’s 5 lb. Book of LSAT Practice Drills contains thousands of drills to help you perfect the skills top-scorers have mastered, coupled with advanced online resources to help you master every section on the LSAT.
Manhattan Prep's 5 lb. Book of LSAT Practice Drills is an essential supplement to any course or study plan. Over thousands of practice drills, students will develop the individual skills used by test experts to tackle the LSAT.
Developed by our expert instructors, the drills in this book are sensibly grouped into practice sets to... more
Manhattan Prep's 5 lb. Book of LSAT Practice Drills is an essential supplement to any course or study plan. Over thousands of practice drills, students will develop the individual skills used by test experts to tackle the LSAT.
Developed by our expert instructors, the drills in this book are sensibly grouped into practice sets to... more
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, score-conversion tables, and sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations. less
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, score-conversion tables, and sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations. less
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
SuperPrep is our most comprehensive LSAT preparation book. It includes:
3 complete PrepTests
a guide to LSAT logic explanations for every item in all 3 tests (Feb. 2000, Feb. 1999, Feb. 1996) sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations less
3 complete PrepTests
a guide to LSAT logic explanations for every item in all 3 tests (Feb. 2000, Feb. 1999, Feb. 1996) sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations less
The PowerScore LSAT Reading Comprehension Bible is the definitive guide to the Reading Comprehension section of the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), featuring official LSAT passages and questions with complete explanations. This book will provide you with a powerful and comprehensive system for attacking any Reading Comprehension question that you may encounter on the LSAT. The concepts presented in this publication are representative of the techniques and approaches that have been tested in PowerScore's live LSAT preparation courses and have consistently been proven effective for countless... more
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table. less
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table.try{F5_flush(document);}catch(e){} less
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online assets included with the product.
Manhattan Prep's best-selling 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems has been updated to include an online companion of lessons from Interact® for GRE, our revolutionary interactive, on-demand learning platform. In addition, the book now includes new mixed timed sets, a cheat sheet of key math rules, and micro drills to test individual skills. The heart of the book is over 1,800 practice... more
Manhattan Prep's best-selling 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems has been updated to include an online companion of lessons from Interact® for GRE, our revolutionary interactive, on-demand learning platform. In addition, the book now includes new mixed timed sets, a cheat sheet of key math rules, and micro drills to test individual skills. The heart of the book is over 1,800 practice... more
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table. less
Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for LSAT Prep Plus 2020-2021, ISBN 978-1-5062-3916-3, on sale December 24, 2019.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. less
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. less
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table. less
Review every skill and question type needed for SAT success - now with eight total practice tests.
The 2018 edition of The Official SAT Study Guide doubles the number of official SAT(R) practice tests to eight - all of them created by the test maker. As part of the College Board's commitment to transparency, all practice tests are available on the College Board's website, but The Official SAT Study Guide is the only place to find them in print along with over 250 pages of additional instruction, guidance, and test information.
With updated guidance and practice problems... more
The 2018 edition of The Official SAT Study Guide doubles the number of official SAT(R) practice tests to eight - all of them created by the test maker. As part of the College Board's commitment to transparency, all practice tests are available on the College Board's website, but The Official SAT Study Guide is the only place to find them in print along with over 250 pages of additional instruction, guidance, and test information.
With updated guidance and practice problems... more
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
Disrespecting the LSAT: The Fox Test Prep Guide to Logical Reasoning contains full explanations of over 550 actual LSAT Logical Reasoning questions... that's four times as many as Powerscore's LR Bible. In his down-to-earth, irreverent style, Nathan walks you through actual LSAT questions, demystifying the confusing world of logical reasoning and showing you how to dominate the test. He breaks down methods that will help you see through the BS and nail every single type of LR question, sharing approaches that stick with you when you finally sit down for the big day.
By using the... more
By using the... more
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, score-conversion tables, and sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations.
[Pub. note: the cover art was updated for this book. The content is the same regardless of the cover.] less
[Pub. note: the cover art was updated for this book. The content is the same regardless of the cover.] less
The PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning BibleTM is a comprehensive how-to manual for solving every type of Logical Reasoning question. Featuring dozens of real Logical Reasoning questions with detailed explanations, the Bible is the ultimate resource for improving your LSAT Logical Reasoning score. less
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table.try{F5_flush(document);}catch(e){} less
As dean of admissions at the University of Chicago Law School, Anna Ivey decided the fate of thousands of law school applicants. In this book-the first of its kind by a former law school admissions officer-she draws on her expertise to cover topics from the application and the essay to the interview and the recommendations, touching on hot-button issues like how much the LSAT, ethnicity, and age really matter. Offering an insider's advice on how to produce the very best application, this guide gives straight answers to questions such as:
• What kind of essay should I write to set... more
• What kind of essay should I write to set... more
The best resource for practicing PowerScore's famous Logic Games methods! less
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
For pure practice at an unbelievable price, you can't beat the 10 Actual series. Each book includes: 10 previously administered LSATs, an answer key for each test, a writing sample for each test, score-conversion tables, and sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations. less
A detailed study guide that guarantees a high LSAT score If you thought you left standardized tests back in high school, think again. LSAT For Dummies, 2rd Edition is an all-inclusive study guide arming you with tips and know-how for your next career move. This updated edition includes three full-length practice tests, a review of foundational concepts for every section, thorough explanations, and additional practice problems for all question types. Whether you're taking the LSAT for the first time or the third time, this book will provide the guidance and skill set you need to... more
The Seventh Edition of Strategies & Tactics for the MBE has been carefully revised by Steve Emanuel and is full of up-to-date advice on how to analyze Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions in all MBE subject areas (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Real Property with Future Interests, and Torts). Steve Emanuel--author of the Emanuel Law Outlines and CrunchTime books in the MBE-subject areas--has passed the bar exam in several states (including New York and California) and worked with law students to prepare them for taking... more
A fresh, innovative, and streamlined approach to the LSAT, featuring techniques geared towards students aiming for top scores.
The Manhattan LSAT Logical Reasoning Strategy Guide untangles the web of LSAT logical reasoning questions. Not only does it teach the essential strategies you’ll need to understand the question, but this guide also arms you with the skills needed to pick apart the answer choices.
With tons of practice problems and drills, this book takes you from novice to master on one of the more subtle sections of the LSAT. Beginning with an... more
The Manhattan LSAT Logical Reasoning Strategy Guide untangles the web of LSAT logical reasoning questions. Not only does it teach the essential strategies you’ll need to understand the question, but this guide also arms you with the skills needed to pick apart the answer choices.
With tons of practice problems and drills, this book takes you from novice to master on one of the more subtle sections of the LSAT. Beginning with an... more
SuperPrep is our most comprehensive LSAT preparation book. It includes:
3 complete PrepTests
a guide to LSAT logic explanations for every item in all 3 tests (December 2010, June 2011, and a previously undisclosed LSAT) sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations less
3 complete PrepTests
a guide to LSAT logic explanations for every item in all 3 tests (December 2010, June 2011, and a previously undisclosed LSAT) sample Comparative Reading questions and explanations less
A fresh, innovative, and streamlined approach to the LSAT, featuring techniques geared towards students aiming for top scores. Now with more practice problems and new online resources!
Designed around the real-world legal applications of reading comprehension, the Manhattan Prep Reading Comprehension LSAT Strategy Guide is an essential tool for a surprisingly tricky part of the LSAT. Containing the best of Manhattan Prep’s expert strategies, this book will train you to approach the LSAT as a law student would approach a legal text—actively and with a purpose.... more
Designed around the real-world legal applications of reading comprehension, the Manhattan Prep Reading Comprehension LSAT Strategy Guide is an essential tool for a surprisingly tricky part of the LSAT. Containing the best of Manhattan Prep’s expert strategies, this book will train you to approach the LSAT as a law student would approach a legal text—actively and with a purpose.... more
Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for The LSAT Unlocked 2018-2019, ISBN 9781506225593, on sale December 5, 2017.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. less
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. less
If you are just starting your LSAT preparation, or if you are a retaker deciding to start fresh, this book may be the best $3 you've ever spent.
The LSAT is a very learnable exam. If you put in the time, and if you prepare for it in the right way, you should expect significant improvement. However, the reality is that the vast majority of test takers do not prepare for it in the right way, and the vast majority of test takers underperform relative to their capacities. This book will help you study smarter, and study better.
This book includes information about
*the... more
The LSAT is a very learnable exam. If you put in the time, and if you prepare for it in the right way, you should expect significant improvement. However, the reality is that the vast majority of test takers do not prepare for it in the right way, and the vast majority of test takers underperform relative to their capacities. This book will help you study smarter, and study better.
This book includes information about
*the... more
The only guide from the makers of the ACT exam, packed with 5 genuine, full-length practice tests and 400 additional questions online
This new edition includes:
A NEW never-before-seen, full-length practice test with optional writing test (215 questions) 400 online questions that can be filtered and organized into custom practice sets Updated writing prompts and directions Real ACT test forms used in previous years The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 is the only guide from the makers of the exam and includes actual ACT test forms taken from past... more
This new edition includes:
A NEW never-before-seen, full-length practice test with optional writing test (215 questions) 400 online questions that can be filtered and organized into custom practice sets Updated writing prompts and directions Real ACT test forms used in previous years The Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 is the only guide from the makers of the exam and includes actual ACT test forms taken from past... more
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
This is a comprehensive introduction to the LSAT and a guide to the skills the LSAT is designed to assess--analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading comprehension, including comparative reading. less
Manhattan Prep’s LSAT Reading Comprehension guide, fully updated for the digital exam, is an essential tool for a surprisingly tricky part of the LSAT. Manhattan Prep’s LSAT guides use officially-released LSAT questions and are written by the company’s instructors, who have all scored a 172 or higher on the official LSAT—we know how to earn a great score and we know how to teach you to do the same.
This guide will train you to approach Reading Comprehension as a law student would approach a legal text:
Recognize the central argument
Use reading and... more
This guide will train you to approach Reading Comprehension as a law student would approach a legal text:
Recognize the central argument
Use reading and... more
The PrepTest is an actual LSAT administered on the date indicated. Practice as if taking an actual test by following the test-taking instructions and timing yourself. In addition to actual LSAT questions, each PrepTest contains an answer key, writing sample, and score-conversion table. less
LSAT Game Type Training provides you with the complete text of every LSAT Logic Game from LSAT PrepTests 1 through 20, sorted according to the games classification system used in the PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible. Containing 80 different games, including hard-to-find games from the early PrepTests, this book is an ideal training tool to increase your LSAT Logic Games score. less
Prepare for success on the Certified Paralegal (CP) Examination with the only comprehensive review manual prepared in partnership with the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA). Whether you are an experienced paralegal professional or new to the profession, CERTIFIED PARALEGAL REVIEW MANUAL: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CP EXAM PREPARATION, 4E offers an indispensable resource for preparing to take the CP Exam administered by NALA . New material covers the latest areas of paralegal practice and technology while detailing the most recent changes in the CP Exam. New examples, extensive... more
This must-have review book thoroughly prepares law school candidates for the all-important Law School Admission Test. An introductory chapter explains the LSAT s format, suggests a detailed three-month study plan for success, and presents a diagnostic test with explained answers. Chapters that follow explain and review each of the LSAT s sections
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Analytical Reasoning
The LSAT Essay
Each chapter includes study tips, strategies for understanding and correctly answering the questions, critical strategies for controlling... more
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Analytical Reasoning
The LSAT Essay
Each chapter includes study tips, strategies for understanding and correctly answering the questions, critical strategies for controlling... more
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
The 400 essential rules you need to know to master LAST Logic--all in one box!
McGraw-Hill's LSAT Logic Flashcards is your edge in conquering the LSAT. Expert author Wendy Hanks has selected 400 key rules that frequently appear on LSAT exams to help you achieve up to a 180 maximum score. The best part is you can use these flashcards wherever you are--at home, at the library, on the bus, anywhere!
You can use these flashcards to memorize rules--thanks to engaging explanations--or to quiz yourself to check your progress. However you use them, McGraw-Hill's... more
McGraw-Hill's LSAT Logic Flashcards is your edge in conquering the LSAT. Expert author Wendy Hanks has selected 400 key rules that frequently appear on LSAT exams to help you achieve up to a 180 maximum score. The best part is you can use these flashcards wherever you are--at home, at the library, on the bus, anywhere!
You can use these flashcards to memorize rules--thanks to engaging explanations--or to quiz yourself to check your progress. However you use them, McGraw-Hill's... more
LSAT Logical Reasoning: Question Type Training provides you with every Logical Reasoning question from LSAT PrepTests 1 through 20. It is the only book available with questions grouped according to the PowerScore classification system, used in the LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible and in PowerScore LSAT courses worldwide. The book includes full chapters of each of the thirteen question types, as well as compilations of questions dealing with Conditional Reasoning, Causal Reasoning, Formal Logic, Numbers and Percentages, and Principles. Containing nearly 1000 questions in all, including... more
LSAT Secrets helps you ace the Law School Admission Test, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive LSAT Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. LSAT Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to LSAT Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A... more
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
If you want to be a lawyer, you have to go to law school. And if you want to go to law school, you have to take the LSAT, the standardized test required for all applicants. Though the LSAT is not the most difficult test in the world, it's also not a walk in the park. LSAT For Dummies is the ultimate LSAT study guide that shows you how to approach it, tame it, and make it one of the best credentials on your application. Written in a straightforward, down-to-earth format, this hands-on guide will give you the skills and confidence you need to succeed. You'll gain the vital tools you need... more
Personal statements are of vital importance to any law school application. This book provides expert guidance on what the ideal essay should look like and how to write it.
What qualities characterize a winning personal statement? How does a mediocre personal statement become one that leads to acceptance at a top law school? In this one of a kind collection, jdMission's senior consultants review and critique 50 real personal statements by law school applicants. If you've ever wondered what other people are writing in their law school personal statements and how they measure up, this... more
What qualities characterize a winning personal statement? How does a mediocre personal statement become one that leads to acceptance at a top law school? In this one of a kind collection, jdMission's senior consultants review and critique 50 real personal statements by law school applicants. If you've ever wondered what other people are writing in their law school personal statements and how they measure up, this... more
Get all the prep you need to ace the Law School Admission Test with this guidebook, including 3 Official LSAT PrepTests, targeted strategies for each test section, and Premium Portal extras online.
Everything You Need to Know to Achieve a High Score.
- Instructional material and step-by-step examples that use real, previously-administered LSAT problems
- Thorough coverage of all LSAT topics, including Arguments, Logic... more
Get all the prep you need to ace the Law School Admission Test with this guidebook, including 3 Official LSAT PrepTests, targeted strategies for each test section, and Premium Portal extras online.
Everything You Need to Know to Achieve a High Score.
- Instructional material and step-by-step examples that use real, previously-administered LSAT problems
- Thorough coverage of all LSAT topics, including Arguments, Logic... more
Don't have time to read the top LSAT Prep books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
Shortform summaries help you learn 10x faster by:
- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.