100 Best Genealogy Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best genealogy books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
Discover the answers to your family history mysteries using the most cutting edge tool available. This plain-English guide (newly updated and expanded to include th latest DNA developments) will teach you what DNA tests are available; the pros and cons of the major testing companies; and how to choose the right test to answer your specific genealogy questions. And once you've taken a DNA test, this guide will help you use your often-overwhelming results, with tips for understanding ethnicity estimates, navigating suggested cousin... more
Inside, you'll find:
Work-arounds for lost or destroyed records
Techniques for finding ancestors with common names
Strategies for analyzing your problem and creating a successful research plan
Ideas on how to find vital records before civil registration
Troubleshooting advice for interpreting your... more
Inheritance is a book about secrets—secrets within families, kept out of shame or self-protectiveness; secrets we keep from one another in the name of love. It is the story of... more

Anthony DoerrWhen Dani Shapiro discovers, purely by accident, that the father who raised her was not her biological father, she embarks upon a profound journey of understanding. What is ancestry? What is identity? Inheritance is a compulsively-readable investigation into selfhood that burrows to the heart of what it means to accept, to love, and to belong. (Source)
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Stop struggling to manage all your genealogy facts, files, and data--make a plan of attack to maximize your progress. Organize Your Genealogy will show you how to use tried-and-true methods and the latest tech tools and genealogy software to organize your research plan, workspace, and family-history finds. In this book, you'll learn how to organize your time and resources, including how to set goals and objectives, determine workable research questions, sort paper and digital documents, keep track of physical and online correspondence,... more
Learn how to use innovative methods to unearth hard-to-find ancestors. Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques shows you, step by step, how to uncover elusive details by taking advantage of specialized tools and software programs and using proven best practices for... more
In the Blood combines a centuries-old mystery with a present-day thriller that brings two people from opposite sides of the Atlantic together to uncover a series of carefully hidden crimes. Tayte's research centres around the tragic life of a young Cornish girl, a writing box, and the discovery... more
In the groundbreaking NBC series Who Do You Think You Are? seven celebrities-Sarah Jessica Parker, Emmitt Smith, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Broderick, Brooke Shields, Susan Sarandon, and Spike Lee-went on an emotional journey to trace their family history and discover who they really are, and millions of viewers caught the genealogy bug. With the official companion guide, anyone can learn how to chart their family's unique path. Featuring step-by-step... more
A.J. Jacobs has received some strange emails over the years, but this note was perhaps the strangest: “You don’t know me, but I’m your eighth cousin. And we have over 80,000 relatives of yours in our database.”
That’s enough family members to fill Madison Square Garden... more
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In the vein of a classic mystery, Hill gathers the seemingly scant evidence surrounding the circumstances of his birth. As his resolve shores up, the author also avails of new friends,... more
As a historian, Buzzy Jackson thought she knew the answers to these simple questions—that is, until she took a look at her scrawny family tree. With a name like Jackson (the twentieth most common American surname), she knew she must have more relatives and more family history out there, somewhere. Her first visit to the Boulder Genealogy Society brought her more questions than answers . . . but it also gave her a tantalizing peek into the fascinating (and enormous) community of family-tree huggers and after-hours Alex Haleys....
moreIn 1994 Professor Bryan Sykes, a leading world authority on DNA and human evolution, was called in to examine the frozen remains of a man trapped in glacial ice in northern Italy. News of both the Ice Man's discovery and his age, which was put at over five thousand years, fascinated scientists and newspapers throughout the world. But what made Sykes's story particularly... more
Still vividly remembering the stories after he grew up... more
A curiously dated child’s suitcase arrives, unannounced and unexplained, in a modern-day Washington suburb. A week later, American genealogist Jefferson Tayte is sitting in an English hotel room, staring at the wrong end of a loaded gun.
In his latest journey into the past, Tayte lands in wartime Leicestershire, England. The genealogist had hoped simply to reunite his client with the birth mother she had never met, having no idea she had been adopted. Instead, he uncovers the tale of a young girl and an American serviceman from the US 82nd Airborne, and a stolen wartime love affair...
moreSince scientists first read the human genome in 2001, it has been subject to all sorts of claims, counterclaims, and myths. In fact, as Adam Rutherford explains, our genomes should be read not as instruction manuals, but as... more

Jim Al-KhaliliRutherford tells the story of our genetic makeup, how it has shaped human history and what history can now tell us about our genes. It’s a hugely illuminating and fresh take on who we are and how we came to be. (Source)
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This guide also examines the funeral customs of various ethnic groups and includes a social history of death that reveals both the usual and unusual ways in which readers' ancestors coped with and celebrated death.
lessAccording to American Demographics, 113 million Americans have begun to trace their roots, making genealogy the second most popular hobby in the country (after gardening). Enthusiasts clamor for new information from dozens of subscription-based websites, email newsletters, and magazines devoted to the subject. For these eager roots-seekers looking to take their searches to the next level, DNA... more
No, you're not, Emily Croom answers, and in a resounding way. In "The Genealogist's Companion and Sourcebook" - a follow-up to her highly regarded "Unpuzzling Your Past: A Basic Guide to Genealogy" - she helps you find new paths to your desired destination: in formation about your ancestors, where they lived and how they lived.
This book alerts you to promising types of primary and secondary sources. It shows you how to get past the... more
In every family someone ends up with Mom's and Dad's "stuff"--a lifetime's worth of old family photos, papers, and memorabilia packed into boxes, trunks, and suitcases. This inheritance can be as much a burden as it is a blessing. How do you organize your loved one's estate in a way that honors your loved one, keeps the peace in your family and doesn't take over your home or life? How to Archive Family Keepsakes gives you step-by-step advice for how to organize, distribute and preserve family heirlooms. more
Harness the powerful, timesaving organization features of Evernote's free software and mobile apps to manage your genealogy research. This comprehensive user guide explains how to organize all kinds of genealogy clues--from notes and e-mails to vital records and audio files--so the information is easily searchable, accessible on any device, and automatically backed up in the cloud. Step-by-step instructions show you how to file research materials, analyze research clues, collaborate with cousins, and share your family history.
In this... more
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While on a visit to London, American genealogist Jefferson Tayte’s old friend and colleague dies in his arms. Before long, Tayte and a truth-seeking historian, Professor Jean Summer, find themselves following a corpse-ridden trail that takes them to the Royal Society of London, circa 1708.
What to make of the story of five men of science, colleagues of Isaac Newton and Christopher Wren, who were mysteriously hanged for high treason?
As they edge closer to the truth, Tayte and the professor find that death is once again in season. A new killer, bent on restoring what he sees as...
moreWhen Morton is called upon by Ray Mercer to investigate the 1911 disappearance of his great aunt, a housemaid working in a large Edwardian country house, he has no idea of the perilous journey into the past that he is about to make. Morton must use his not inconsiderable genealogical skills to solve the mystery of Mary Mercer’s disappearance, in the face of the dangers posed by those others who are determined to end his... more
From 1629 to 1775, North America was settled by four great waves of English-speaking immigrants. The first was an exodus of Puritans from the east of England to Massachusetts (1629-1640). The second was the movement of a Royalist elite and indentured servants from the... more
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Historical family photos are cherished heirlooms that offer a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. But the images, and the stories behind them, often fade away as decades pass - the who, when, where and why behind the photos are lost. In this book, photo identification expert and genealogist Maureen A. Taylor shows you how to study the clues in your old family photos to put names to faces and recapture their lost stories.
Inside, you'll learn how to:
Determine the type of image you have -... more
The Great Michigan Read for 2013-14. A Washington Post Best Book, 2009. A 2010 Michigan Notable Book.
Beth Luxenberg was an only child, or so her son Steve believed. But secrets have a way of working free of their keepers, as this true story reveals.
Approaching her 80th birthday, Steve's mother told a doctor that she had a disabled sister, without saying that... more
From the author's website:
[The] genetic genealogy world has experienced a revolution in the availability and affordability of DNA testing. Both genealogical and DNA databases have grown considerably since 2005, making it easier to discover and connect with long lost
cousins. In this revised edition of Forensic Genealogy, the chapter The DNA Detective has been updated to include much information to reflect these changes. less
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Jefferson Tayte věnoval celý život zkoumání neúplných rodokmenů, aby pomohl rozvráceným rodinám… a odkryl dlouho ukrytá tajemství. Sám je ale samotář, muž bez kořenů – jeho vlastní původ představuje největší záhadu jeho kariéry.
To se však změní, když se Taytovi dostane do rukou nová stopa, za kterou se s profesorkou a kolegyní Jean Summerovou vydají do Mnichova. Hon za odpověďmi je ale zavede na nebezpečné území: ke zlověstným tajemstvím nacistického Německa a lidem ochotným obětovat cokoli, aby je... more
When genealogist Jefferson Tayte is shown a locket belonging to one of the Empress’s victims, a British admiral’s daughter named Alice Stilwell, he must travel to England to understand the course of events that led to her death. Tayte is expert in... more
Companies like Ancestry.com, Familysearch.org, Findmypast.com, and MyHeritage have spent millions of dollars making records available around the world. DNA technology continues to evolve and provides the instant gratification that we have become use to as a society. But then the question... more
This simple question launches acclaimed author Nathaniel Philbrick on an extraordinary journey to understand the truth behind our most sacred national myth: the voyage of the Mayflower and the settlement of Plymouth Colony. As Philbrick reveals in this electrifying new book, the story of the Pilgrims does not end with the First Thanksgiving; instead, it is a fifty-five-year epic that is at once tragic and heroic, and still carries meaning for us today. less

Catherine ManegoldThis is a straight history but – and this is key – the emphasis is on the story. In this book Nathaniel Philbrick takes an event every American schoolchild knows about – the sailing of the Mayflower to North America in 1620 – and turns the comfortable mythology about that moment on its head. (Source)
"Reunion" explores how our ancestors are still a part of us, and how a place across the ocean can almost feel like home. less
Unfortunately, there are many similar sounding tests and some of them have different testing levels. So it’s easy to order the wrong test or pay too much.
This Guide to DNA Testing provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the different test types, their strengths and limitations.
Author and adoptee, Richard Hill, shared his personal... more
What you'll learn:
Step-by-step strategies for structuring your searches to find what you're looking for faster more
Don't have time to read the top Genealogy books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.
A British Officer is shot dead on a remote hillside south of Dublin.
November 22, 2015. United Kingdom.
Former police detective, Jayne Sinclair, now working as a genealogical investigator, receives a phone call from an adopted American billionaire asking her to discover the identity of his real father.
How are the two events linked?
Jayne Sinclair has only three clues to help her: a photocopied birth certificate, a stolen book and an old photograph. And it soon becomes apparent somebody else is on the trail of the mystery. A killer who will... more
Thoughts of his own family history are quickly and violently pushed to one side as Morton rushes to complete his investigation before other sinister elements succeed in derailing the case.
This is the third book in the Morton Farrier genealogical... more
Through meticulous research and by interviewing scattered relatives, Ball contacted... more
'George III is alleged to have married secretly, on 17th April, 1759, a Quakeress called Hannah Lightfoot. If George III did make such a marriage…then his subsequent marriage to Queen Charlotte was bigamous, and every monarch of Britain since has been a usurper, the rightful heirs of George III being his children by Hannah Lightfoot...'
Britain's Royal Families provides in one volume, complete... more

Bryan CallenOf course, I read Nietzsche. On the Genealogy of Morality, etc, where the truths and the truisms are really cut and dried in a lot of ways. It's the equivalent of, I guess, intellectual red meat. (Source)

Antonio EramThis book was recommended by Antonio when asked for titles he would recommend to young people interested in his career path. (Source)

Brian LeiterI don’t know I would single it out as the masterpiece, but it’s a fascinating book which follows on many of the themes of Beyond Good and Evil. It’s unusual because it’s less aphoristic, but rather three essays. The essays have more structure and extended argumentation than is typical in most of Nietzsche’s works. (Source)
Don't have time to read the top Genealogy books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Discover the secrets to Ancestry.com success! This book, newly revised and expanded, will help you get the most out of your Ancestry.com subscription. Inside, you'll discover how to take advantage of what the world's biggest genealogy website has to offer--and how to find answers to your genealogy questions within its billions of records and millions of AncestryDNA profiles. Each chapter includes step-by-step examples with illustrations to show you exactly how to apply search techniques to your genealogy. A new section on AncestryDNA... more
Washington, DC: Twin brothers are found drowned in a Perspex box, one gagged and strapped to a chair. It’s the latest in a series of cruel and elaborate murders with two things in common: the killer has left a family history chart at each crime scene, and the victims all have a connection to genealogical sleuth Jefferson Tayte.
Hoping his insight and expertise will help solve the case, the FBI summon Tayte back to the capital. But as he struggles to crack the clues, the killer strikes again—and again. Tayte is known as the best in the business, but this time he’s up against a...
moreAls die Leiche eines Mannes auf einem Londoner Friedhof gefunden wird, ahnen DCI Grant Foster und seine Kollegin Heather Jenkins nicht, wie weit sie die Suche nach dem Mörder in die Vergangenheit führen wird. Immer mehr Opfer fallen einem geheimnisvollen Killer zum Opfer, doch was die Ermordeten verbindet, ist unklar. Bis Nigel Barnes, ein Spezialist für Ahnenforschung, erkennt, dass die Spur ins Jahr 1879 zurückreicht. Damals hatte der »Kensington Killer« London in Angst und Schrecken versetzt …
Eine Mordserie in London... more
Don't have time to read the top Genealogy books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Identify and verify people in family photographs.
Tell the story of identified photographs using the clues in the images.
Locate additional family photographs.
Create worksheets for each image to expand your knowledge about your ancestors.
Discover the history of photography and... more
Use The Genealogist's U.S. History Pocket Reference to find:
Timelines, charts, quick lists and maps of major events.
Popular foods, songs and books of each era. more
Leading genealogy author W. Daniel Quillen picks up where he left off in "Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors" in this newly revised second edition. He shows do-it yourself genealogists who have progressed past his beginning steps exactly how to find their ancestors with more advanced methods of researching those hard-to-find ancestors. Quillen tells readers how to overcome those difficult roadblocks that... more
Don't have time to read the top Genealogy books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.