100 Best Econometrics Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best econometrics books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more

Daymond John[Daymond John said this is one of his most-recommended books.] (Source)

Grant CardoneThis book emphasized the need to get reliable income streams and to never ever confuse your necessary expenses with the things you want. It’s a timeless classic that every school in America should have in their curriculum. (Source)

David Heinemeier HanssonThis is a 1920s classic version of How To Get Rich. The ancestor of all the pale imitations, like Rich Dad/Poor Dad, that came since. And while I scoffed at plenty of the allegories from ancient Babylon that presents the lessons, it was still a neat package. And at least ancient Babylon is a more interesting backdrop for teaching lessons about money than some suburban house flipper. I ended up... (Source)
In the fall of 1999, John Doerr met with the founders of a start-up whom he'd just given $12.5 million, the biggest investment of his career. Larry Page and Sergey Brin had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy, and sky-high ambitions, but no real business plan. For Google to change the world (or even to survive), Page and Brin had to... more

Reid HoffmanWhether you're a seasoned CEO or a first-time entrepreneur, you'll find valuable lessons, tools, and inspiration in the pages of Measure What Matters. I'm glad John invested the time to share these ideas with the world. (Source)

Walter IsaacsonIn this indispensable book, the most important venture capitalist of our era reveals a key to business innovation and success. This crisp and colorful book combines fascinating case studies with insightful personal stories to show how OKRs can add magic to organizations of any size. (Source)

Bill GatesJohn explains how OKRs [Objectives and Key Results] work and shows how you can apply them in all sorts of situations. I’d recommend John’s book for anyone interested in becoming a better manager (and I’d say that even if I hadn’t been interviewed for a super-nice chapter about the Gates Foundation). (Source)
In addition to econometric... more

Nassim Nicholas TalebThe best intuition builder in both statitics and econometrics. I have been reading the various editions throught my career. Please, keep updating it, Peter Kennedy! (Source)

James AltucherAnd while you are at it, throw in “Bounce” by Mathew Syed, who was the UK Ping Pong champion when he was younger. I love any book where someone took their passion, documented it, and shared it with us. That’s when you can see the subtleties, the hard work, the luck, the talent, the skill, all come together to form a champion. Heck, throw in, “An Astronaut’s Guide to Earth” by Commander Chris... (Source)

Melody HossainiI came across this book by chance, read a few pages and was intrigued by the examples to prove how experts in their field (in this case, drawn mostly from the world of Sports) come to be experts. The book will leave you empowered that one can truly become anything, and that you can defy genetical and circumstantial hinderances through the input of time and practice in your chosen field. I found... (Source)

Max MosleyBounce is fascinating. Matthew Syed was Britain’s number one table-tennis player for about 10 years and he’s now a top sports journalist on The Times. He writes extremely well. His thesis is that talent isn’t what matters, it’s all about hours and hours of training. The conventional view, and certainly my view before reading this book, is that some people are supremely gifted and therefore rise... (Source)

David J LynchThis one sort of speaks to something I’ve long been interested in. We get this general education in schools that follows the basic themes of presidents and wars and that kind of thing and then there’s this alternative history of finance and economics, and Lords of Finance impressed me because it gives you that alternative history, particularly through the inter-war years from the end of World War... (Source)
Applied econometrics, known to aficionados as 'metrics, is the original data science. 'Metrics encompasses the statistical methods economists use to untangle cause and effect in human affairs. Through accessible discussion and with a dose of kung fu-themed humor, Mastering 'Metrics presents the essential tools of econometric research and demonstrates why econometrics is exciting and useful.
The five most valuable econometric methods, or what the authors call the Furious Five--random... more
The math we learn in school can seem like a dull set of rules, laid down by the ancients and not to be questioned. In How Not to Be Wrong, Jordan Ellenberg shows us how terribly limiting this view is: Math isn’t confined to abstract incidents that never occur in real life, but rather touches everything we do—the whole world is shot through with it.
Math allows us to see the hidden structures underneath the messy and... more

Bill GatesThe writing is funny, smooth, and accessible -- not what you might expect from a book about math. What Ellenberg has written is ultimately a love letter to math. If the stories he tells add up to a larger lesson, it’s that 'to do mathematics is to be, at once, touched by fire and bound by reason' -- and that there are ways in which we’re all doing math, all the time. (Source)

Auston BunsenI’ve got a few, one book that really impacted me early on as someone coming from a middle-class family was “Rich dad, Poor dad”. Since then I’ve read many books but one that really stands out is “How not to be wrong” by Jordan Ellenberg which really reignited my appetite & appreciation for math. (Source)

Nick GanjuWritten for an audience of people who have historically been intimidated by math [...] and introduces things in a very simple way, and then works up to more complex concepts. (Source)
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Eric WeinsteinFolks frequently ask “What are the books that changed your life?” If I tell them, they are usually radically disappointed. I find that curious. I just cleared out of an office, and these are 4 shelves of spines of books that mattered enough to me to bring home. So here they are. (Source)
Blending the informed analysis of The Signal and the Noise with the instructive iconoclasm of Think Like a Freak, a fascinating, illuminating, and witty look at what the vast amounts of information now instantly available to us reveals about ourselves and our world—provided we ask the right questions.
By the end of an average day in the early twenty-first century, human beings searching the internet will amass eight trillion gigabytes of data. This staggering amount of information—unprecedented in history—can tell us a great deal about who we... more

Jj. Omojuwa@SympLySimi Lol. Read this book. You’d love it. https://t.co/d2cLOyoiZ9 (Source)

Ron FournierJust finished, “Everybody Lies” by @SethS_D, which in addition to being a tremendous education on Big Data, includes the best conclusion to a non-fiction book I’ve ever read. Read it. -30- (Source)
Econometrics has many useful... more
First published in 1919, John Maynard Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace created immediate controversy. Keynes was a firsthand witness to the negotiations of the Paris Peace Conference, as an official representative of the British Treasury, and he simultaneously sat as deputy for the chancellor of the Exchequer on the Supreme Economic Council. In these roles, he was able to perceive with great clarity the tenor and perspective that would come to shape Europe after the First World War.... more

Larry SummersIt’s among the dozen—perhaps half-dozen—most influential economics books that have ever been written. (Source)
You'll start with the basics, like how to handle data and write simple programs, before moving on to more advanced topics, like producing statistical summaries of your data and performing statistical tests and modeling. You'll even learn how to create... more

Kirk BorneLove this!! —> "The Book of R: A First Course in Programming & #Statistics" https://t.co/aaJOBaBEFT 🌟830-page complete book of R #coding fundamentals🌟 —————— #Rstats #BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #DataViz #Algorithms #DataScientists #DataMining #AppliedMathematics https://t.co/lfc3LTQana (Source)
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David PillingHers is a very sober account and that’s what I like about it. It’s written by a proper economist and it’s very clear. In one hundred and fifty pages or so, you get a very good guide to this number that has come to dominate public discussion. GDP has become a kind of a proxy for things that we ought to care about. I’d argue that she takes a gentler line than I do – hence it’s an “affectionate... (Source)
Although the treatment is... more
With a combination of open-ended interviewing and fast and flexible research techniques, you'll learn how your prospective customers behave, the problems they need to solve, and what frustrates and delights them. These insights may shake your assumptions, but they'll help you reach the "ah-ha!" moments that inspire... more

Thomas GrazianiI am currently reading two business books: Radical Candor by Kim Scott which I expect can help me build better relationships with my colleagues, and Lean Customer Development by Cindy Alvarez which helps me have more open conversations with clients and better define our product roadmap. (Source)
Focus implementation of standard tools and methods used in econometrics
Compatible with "Introductory Econometrics" by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge in terms of topics, organization, terminology and notation Companion website with full text, all code for download and other goodies Praise
"A very nice resource for those wanting to use R in their introductory econometrics courses." (Jeffrey M.... more
The Undercover Economist is for anyone who's wondered why the gap between rich and poor nations is so great, or why they can't seem to find a decent second-hand car, or how to outwit Starbucks. This book offers the hidden story behind these and other questions, as economist Tim Harford ranges from Africa, Asia, Europe, and of course the... more

Ola OlusogaLike Charlie Munger once said: “I’ve long believed that a certain system - which almost any intelligent person can learn - works way better than the systems most people use [to understand the world]. What you need is a latticework of mental models in your head. And, with that system, things gradually fit together in a way that enhances cognition. Just as multiple factors shape every system,... (Source)

Fabrice GrindaI have lots of books to recommend, but they are not related to my career path. The only one that is remotely related is Peter Thiel’s Zero to One. That said here are books I would recommend. (Source)
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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The book deals with a large number of modern topics. In addition to bootstrap and Monte Carlo tests, these include sandwich covariance matrix estimators, artificial regressions, estimating functions and the generalized... more
From the stock market to genomics laboratories, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In The Model Thinker, social scientist Scott E. Page shows us the mathematical, statistical, and computational models--from linear regression to random walks and far beyond--that can turn anyone into a genius. At the core of the book is Page's... more
In 2001, at the dawn of the millennium—and the digital marketing age—the first edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing became a global hit. In the ensuing years, updated editions helped even more marketers, entrepreneurs, students, and professionals of all types navigate the sometimes-stressful world of social media. Now, this new, fully... more

Ionut DanifeldI remember that in my beginning of my career I was working mostly on offline marketing and this new era of digital marketing was emerging. I didn't have any course during my university regarding online marketing and I was clueless where to start. A book that helped me a lot was: The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder. Sometimes people ask me how to start and my answer is still: read... (Source)
Key features of the new edition include... more
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Contending Economic Theories offers a unique comparative treatment of the three main theories in economics as it is taught today: neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian. Each is developed and discussed in its own chapter, yet also differentiated from and compared to the other two theories. The authors identify each theory's starting point, its goals and foci, and its internal logic. They connect their comparative... more
Written by one of the world's leading researchers and writers in the field, Econometric Analysis of Panel Data has become established as the leading textbook for postgraduate courses in panel data.
This new edition has been fully revised and updated and includes:
A new chapter entitled Spatial Panel Data
New empirical applications New... more

Eric Weinstein[Eric Weinstein recommended this book on Twitter.] (Source)
Use machine learning to understand your customers, frame decisions, and drive value
The business analytics world has changed, and Data Scientists are taking over. Business Data Science takes you through the steps of using machine learning to implement best-in-class business data science. Whether you are a business leader with a desire to go deep... more
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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As an expert in Stata, the author successfully guides readers from the basic elements of Stata to the core econometric topics. He first describes the fundamental components needed to effectively use Stata. The book then covers the... more
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Readers will learn how to implement a variety of popular data mining algorithms in R (a free and open-source software) to tackle business problems and opportunities.
This is the fifth version of this successful text, and the first using R. It covers both statistical and machine learning algorithms for prediction, classification, visualization, dimension reduction, recommender... more
"The Freakonomics of big data." --Stein Kretsinger, founding executive of Advertising.com
Award-winning - Used by over 30 universities - Translated into 9 languages
An introduction for everyone. In this rich, fascinating -- surprisingly accessible -- introduction, leading expert Eric Siegel reveals how predictive analytics (aka machine learning) works, and how it affects everyone every day. Rather than a "how to" for hands-on... more
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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EVERYDATA is filled with... more
The book begins with an excellent introduction to Stata and then provides a general treatment of estimation, testing, fit, and interpretation in this class of models.... more
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Numerous examples with R-code that can be run "as-is" allow the reader to perform the data analyses themselves.
The development of Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in the context of data analysis examples provides motivation for these computational methods. less
Uses clear explanations and practical illustrations and problems to present innovative, computer-intensive ways for applied economists to use the Bayesian method;
Emphasizes computation and the study of probability distributions by computer sampling;
Covers all the standard econometric models, including linear and non-linear regression using cross-sectional, time series, and panel data;
Details causal inference... more
Though financial models imitate the style of physics by using the...

Nassim Nicholas TalebHere is what I wrote in my endorsement: Emanuel Derman has written my kind of a book, an elegant combination of memoir, confession, and essay on ethics, philosophy of science and professional practice. He convincingly establishes the difference between model and theory and shows why attempts to model financial markets can never be genuinely scientific. It vindicates those of us who hold that... (Source)
Don't have time to read the top Econometrics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Blame for the recent financial crisis and subsequent recession has commonly been assigned to everyone from Wall Street firms to individual homeowners. It has been widely argued that the crisis and recession were caused by "greed" and the failure of mainstream economics. In Getting It Wrong, leading economist William Barnett argues instead that there was too little use of the... more
A Course in Econometrics is likely to be the text most thoroughly attuned to the needs of your students. Derived from the course taught by Arthur S. Goldberger at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at Stanford University, it is specifically designed for use over two semesters, offers students the most thorough grounding in introductory statistical inference, and offers a... more
Principles of Econometrics is an introductory book for undergraduate students in economics and finance, and can be used for MBA and first-year graduate students in many fields. The 4th Edition provides students with an understanding of why econometrics is necessary and a working knowledge of basic econometric tools. This text emphasizes motivation, understanding and implementation by introducing very simple economic models and asking economic questions that students can answer. less
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