100 Best Dictionaries Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best dictionaries books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
[€[ Newly added words and meanings across a variety of fields including technology, entertainment, health, science, and society
[€[ Special sections include A Handbook of Style, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, and Geographical Names
[€[ Includes an electronic version of the dictionary and a free... more

Mark NicholIn the United States, it is considered, among publishing companies, to be the dictionary of record. (Source)

Peter GilliverW.C. Minor was a member of the public, but he just happened to be a murderer who was banged up in Broadmoor. (Source)
The new edition of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder less
This is the fiftieth anniversary printing of The American... more
A virtual onslaught of acerbic, confrontational wordplay, The Unabridged... more
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letter words. Hundreds of new words added from a variety of fields including facepalm, listicle, bitcoin, and emoji. Main entries include a brief definition, a part-of-speech label, and inflected forms for fast, easy word validation. Endorsed by the North American SCRABBLE Players Association for recreational and school use. less
While most of us might take dictionaries for granted, the process of writing them is in fact as lively and dynamic as language itself. With sharp wit and irreverence, Kory Stamper cracks open the complex, obsessive world of lexicography--from the agonizing decisions about what and how to define, to the knotty questions of usage in an ever-changing language. She explains why small words are the most difficult to define (have you ever tried to... more
Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing? Why should any of us care?
In The Sense of Style, the bestselling linguist and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker answers these questions and more. Rethinking the usage guide for the twenty-first century, Pinker doesn’t carp about the decline of language or recycle pet... more

This newly revised and completely up-to-date third edition of this historic reference adequately reflects the recent expansion in the scholarship and scope of classical studies. Here, in over six thousand... more
• Examines 414 psychoactive plants and related substances
• Explores how using psychoactive plants in a culturally sanctioned context can produce important insights into the nature of reality
• Contains 797 color photographs and 645 black-and-white illustrations
In the traditions of every culture, plants have been highly valued for their nourishing, healing, and transformative properties. The most powerful plants--those known to... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Learn each stitch with written, charted, and step-by-step photo instructions that clearly explain where the yarn goes each step of the way. In addition, each stitch pattern shows a large finished swatch in... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Key phrases for use in everyday circumstances, complete with phonetic spelling
An English-Italian and Italian-English dictionary
Tips for small talk and local lingo with Rick's signature sense of humor
A tear-out cheat sheet for continued language... more
- Over 40,000 entries
- English pronunciations given in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) less
Teacher recommended, Gail Grant's Technical Manual has long been one of the most popular and effective ballet reference guides. Completely revised and updated, this third edition is virtually a new work and should be owned by every student, dance teacher, choreographer, and ballet enthusiast — even those who purchased the second edition. Extensive... more
-, SM Entertainment-
"The Kpop Dictionary is a fun mix of common slang and adages frequently found in Kpop and Korean Dramas which will help provide a base for understanding that goes far beyond subtitles. As a YouTube personality who focuses on the ever-changing world of Korean entertainment, I see this book being an extremely useful resource to anyone interested in improving their comprehension of Korean Dramas and Kpop."
- Stephanie Ishler, Hallyu Back -
"This... more
Packed with more than 1,500 stunning images, it showcases major and minor characters (such as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker), creatures, vehicles, weapons, props, and items of tech in unparalleled detail. Beautiful photography and engaging text written by Star Wars experts examines the finer points of Padm� Amidala's costumes, displays Boba Fett's array of weaponry, studies Darth Vader's armor, and reveals the lesser-known background stories... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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• Thoroughly revised and updated
• 2,500 new words and meanings
• More than 400 photographs and illustrations
• Expert guidance on correct usage less
The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary is a unique... more
Newly revised and updated, the French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is a quick and intuitive way to learn and recall everyday words in French.
Introducing a range of useful current vocabulary in thematic order, this dictionary uses full-color photographs and artworks to display and label all the elements of everyday life--from the home and office to sport, music, nature, and the countries of the world--with panel features on... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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The Cambridge Dictionary of Linguistics provides concise and clear definitions of all the terms any undergraduate or graduate student is likely to encounter in the study of linguistics and English language or in other degrees involving linguistics, such as modern languages, media studies and translation. lt covers the key areas of syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics, semantics and pragmatics but also contains terms from discourse analysis, stylistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics... more
Dr. James Strong, formerly professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong's remains the definitive concordance compiled on the King James Version of the Bible.
W. E. Vine, M.A. (1873-1949) was a classical... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- A compact compendium of synonyms, related words, and antonyms
- More than 85,000 words
- Find the right word whenever you need it less
The Spanish-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary... more
Discover more on oxforddictionaries.com, Oxford's hub for dictionaries and language reference.
This comprehensive guide to German verb usage is ideal for students,travelers, and adult learners. It includes:
501 verbs conjugated in all persons and tenses, both active and passive
The 55 most essential German verbs used in context
Common idioms with updated example... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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The German-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary features: more
The most comprehensive, user-friendly thesaurus available, Roget’s features more than 325,000 words and phrases, including more than 2,000 all-new entries that reflect the very latest in culture and technology, from “alpha male” to“zero tolerance.” The seventh edition has reduced archaic terminology and added 50 new word lists, providing... more
German-English English-German Dictionary
from Langenscheidt, the premier source for foreign language reference tools. Students, teachers, travelers, and professionals can confidently rely on this invaluable 2-in-1 volume that includes:
- Hundreds of new words reflecting today's cultural, political, and technological changes, plus contemporary idioms and expressionsmore- Full pronunciation keys for both German and English entries
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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This edition presents the most important and most commonly used French verbs arranged alphabetically with English translations in chart form, one verb per page, and conjugated in all persons and tenses, both active and passive. The accompanying CD-ROM gives students crossword puzzles and games, while the M3 CD includes extra... more
Plus, find helpful features on key Arabic nouns, verbs and phrases to improve your understanding of the language. less
This book is intended for general; students and teachers of English; anyone wanting guidance on the correct use of English. less
The authors of the acclaimed Perigee Visual Dictionary of Signing and The Pocket Dictionary of Signing have created a text and workbook in one. This volume will teach you how to use signing in English sentence format. Signing Made Easy offers the most thorough, step-by-step approach to learning sign language, complete with drills and practice exercises to increase signing ability and understanding.
Presented in a large-format, easy-to-follow design, this book includes:
... more
Don't have time to read the top Dictionaries books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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