100 Best Bioinformatics Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best bioinformatics books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
Charles T. Mungerrecommends this book in the second edition of Poor Charlie’s Almanack. (Source)

Matt RidleyTurned evolutionary biology on its head and was written like a great detective story. (Source)

Phil LibinHad a profound influence on me pretty early on. (Source)
Entrelazando ciencia, historia y vivencias personales, Mukherjee hace un recorrido por el nacimiento, el crecimiento, la influencia y el futuro de una de las ideas más poderosas y peligrosas de la historia de la ciencia: el gen, la unidad fundamental de la herencia, y la unidad básica de toda la información biológica. Desde Aristóteles y Pitágoras, pasando por los descubrimientos relegados de Mendel, la revolución de... more

Bill Gates"Mukherjee wrote this book for a lay audience, because he knows that the new genome technologies are at the cusp of affecting us all in profound ways," Gates wrote. Mukherjee is what Gates calls a "quadruple threat." He's a practicing physician, teacher, researcher, and author. (Source)

Amit Paranjape@vikramsathaye @DrSidMukherjee @kiranshaw Great book. (Source)

Bryan JohnsonA great book. (Source)

Mark ZuckerbergThis book aims to tell a history of humanity from the perspective of genetics rather than sociology. This should complement the other broad histories I've read this year, as well as follow "Energy" well in focusing on science. I've wanted to read Matt Ridley's books for a while. His recent book "The Rational Optimist" about how progress and the economy evolve is also near the top of my... (Source)

Naval RavikantGetting into the more evolution, science kind of books, I really highly, highly recommend picking up Genome [...]. (Source)
Written for students without a detailed prior knowledge of programming, this book is the perfect... more
Rather than teach bioinformatics as a set of workflows that are likely to change with this rapidly evolving field, this book demsonstrates the practice of bioinformatics through data... more
Practical Computing for Biologists shows you how to use many freely available computing tools to work more powerfully and effectively. The book was born out of the authors' own experience in developing tools for their research and helping other... more

Not since the atomic bomb has a technology so alarmed its inventors that they warned the world about its use. Not, that is, until the spring of 2015, when biologist Jennifer Doudna called for a worldwide moratorium on the use of the new gene-editing tool CRISPR—a revolutionary new technology that she helped create—to make heritable changes in human embryos. The cheapest, simplest,... more

Marvin LiaoI tend to jump from book to book and may switch if I am interested in some new topic. This is a pleasure for me (which I also do benefit work wise from too). It’s quite a random list because I have eclectic interests (or just scatterbrained most likely) on tech business, AI, general global economy, geopolitics, rising Biotech economy & history. I'm basically 15% to 50% into all these books. (Source)

Peter AttiaOne of the books that considers to be an important read for people interested in his career path. (Source)

Matt RidleyAn astonishing literary achievement, and it was about the greatest scientific discovery of the 20th century. (Source)

Matt CalkinsIt gives you an insider’s look at how innovation happens, the struggles in it and the rivalry in the race to get to the heart of molecular structures. It felt like a business story but it’s really about science and innovation. (Source)
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Each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works. If you're a beginner, R... more
The book is divided into seven parts, with the opening part introducing the basics of nucleic acids,... more

Naveen JainI love the book on epigenetics, a book called "Epigenetics Revolution". (Source)
If you have an aptitude for mathematics and some programming skills, author Joel Grus will help you get comfortable with the math and statistics at the core of data science, and with the hacking skills you need to get started as a data... more

Thorsten HellerThe Best #book to Start your #DataScience Journey - Towards #DataScience https://t.co/D8PlkkSxw6 by @benthecoder1 (Source)
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Why learn programming?
Maybe you see colleagues writing programs to save time and deal with large datasets.
Maybe your supervisor has told you that you need to learn programming for your next project.
Maybe you've been looking at job ads and noticed just how many of them are asking... more
In The Patient Will See You Now, Eric Topol, one of the nation’s top physicians, shows why medicine does... more

Elad Yom-TovThe thesis is that since you can now have all of your data online, it empowers the patient to be a bigger player in medicine. (Source)
This introductory text offers a clear exposition of the algorithmic principles driving advances in bioinformatics. Accessible to students in both biology and computer science, it strikes a unique balance between rigorous mathematics and practical techniques, emphasizing the ideas underlying algorithms rather than offering a collection of apparently unrelated problems. The book introduces biological and algorithmic ideas together, linking issues in computer... more
This non-fiction comic book introduces us to genetics, cell biology and the fascinating science of epigenetics, which is rapidly filling in the gaps in our knowledge, allowing us to make huge advances in medicine. We’ll look at what identical twins can teach us about the epigenetic effects of our environment and experiences, why certain genes are 'switched on' or off at various stages of embryonic... more
Biyoenformatige Giris: Introduction to Bioinformatics: Biyoenformatik, Biyobilisim, Bioinformatics dersi hizla yukselmis olan bilisimin temel bilimlerde kullanimi da dogal olarak artamasi sonucu özellikle biyolojik olaylarin cok fazla parametreye bagli olmasi, uzun surecler icermesi gibi karmasik, kompleks olaylarin cozumu ve bunlarin depolanmasi, yorumlanmasi ve bir sonuca kisa zamanda varilabilmesi icin ortaya cikmis bir bilim ve disiplin dalidir. Her iki bilim dalininda birbirlerine icerik olarak uzak olmasi bu bilim dallarinin ayni anda her iki dala da... more
Python Programming For Beginners - Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days! Here's what you'll learn from this book: ✓Introduction ✓Understanding Python: A Detailed Background ✓How Python Works ✓Python Glossary ✓How to Download and Install Python ✓Python Programming 101: Interacting With Python in Different Ways ✓How to Write Your... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Most of the recipes use the ggplot2 package, a powerful and flexible way to make graphs in R. If you have a basic understanding of the R language, you're ready to get started.
Use R's default graphics for quick exploration of data
Create a... more
Maintaining the features that have made previous editions so popular, this fifth edition has been completely updated in line with the latest developments in the field. Older technologies such as cloning and hybridization have been merged and summarized, coverage of newer DNA sequencing technologies has been expanded, and powerful new gene editing and single-cell genomics technologies... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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This book provides an introduction to some of these new methods. The main biological topics treated include sequence... more
The most disruptive force on the planet resides in DNA. Biotech companies and academic researchers are just beginning to unlock the potential of piecing together life from scratch. Champions of synthetic biology believe that turning genetic code into Lego-like blocks to build never-before-seen organisms could solve the thorniest challenges in medicine, energy, and environmental... more

Want to know more about genetics? This non-intimidating guide gets you up to speed on all the fundamentals. From dominant and recessive inherited traits to the DNA double-helix, you get clear explanations in easy-to-understand terms. Plus, you'll see how people are applying genetic science to fight disease, develop new products, solve crimes . . . and even clone cats.
What geneticists do How traits are passed on How genetic... more
The second half of Learning R shows you real data analysis in action by covering everything from importing data to publishing your results. Each chapter in the book includes a quiz on what you've learned, and concludes with exercises, most of which involve writing R code. more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Massive increases in computing power and the ability to routinely sequence whole genomes of living organisms have begun to fundamentally alter our understanding of biology, medicine, and agriculture. At the intersection of the growing information and genomics revolutions sits bioinformatics, which uses modern computational power to reveal patterns in biological data sets, especially DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. Computational Biology: A Hypertextbook, by Scott Kelley and Dennis Didulo, provides a wonderful introduction for anyone... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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In clear, jargon-free language, Dennis Bray taps the findings of the new discipline of systems biology to show that the internal chemistry of living cells is a form of computation. Cells are built out of molecular circuits that perform logical operations, as electronic devices do, but with unique... more
The authors... more
Introduction to... more
During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the...

Nassim Nicholas TalebVery comprehensive, sufficiently technical to get most of the plumbing behind machine learning. Very useful as a reference book (actually, there is no other complete reference book). The authors are the real thing (Tibshirani is the one behind the LASSO regularization technique). Uses some mathematical statistics without the burdens of measure theory and avoids the obvious but complicated... (Source)
Assuming no prior knowledge, the clarity of the text and care of presentation ensure those new to, or challenged by, these topics are given a thorough introduction without being overwhelmed by unnecessary detail. An understanding and appreciation of statistics is... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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I revisit this problem from the emerging perspective of neuromechanics that emphasizes finding and implementing families of feasible... more
Never before had there been nearly as many scientists, resources or productive research focused on these topics, and humanity has achieved some understanding and some clarification. With the speed of progress it is timely to communicate... more
The book presents foundational knowledge on HIE, covering the broad areas of technology, governance, and policy, providing a concise, yet in-depth, look at HIE that can be used as a teaching tool for universities, healthcare organizations with a training component, certification... more
This accessible text:
provides a thorough examination of sequence analysis, biological databases, pattern recognition, and applications to genomics, microarrays, and proteomics emphasizes the theoretical and statistical methods used in bioinformatics programs in a way that is accessible to biological science students places bioinformatics in the context of... more
The lastest edition of this classic text continues to provide the basis for understanding the genetic principles behind quantitative differences in phenotypes and how they apply to animal and plant improvement and evolution. It extends these concepts to the segregation of genes that cause genetic variation in quantitative traits. Key techniques and methods are also covered.
lessThe gun is antiquated technology, and it is responsible for tens of thousands of senseless killings every year. Humanity has accepted that killing is an unavoidable fact of life―but Rick Smith argues that it doesn’t need to be this way and that we have the means to make the bullet obsolete in our lifetime.
Smith is the founder of TASER (now Axon), and in this book, he demonstrates that we are on the cusp of a world in which killing is neither required nor acceptable. That change won't come by way of stricter gun control... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Imaging Informatics Professionals (IIPs) have come to play an indispensable role in modern medicine, and the scope of this profession has grown far beyond the boundaries of the PACS. A successful IIP must not only understand the PACS itself, but also have knowledge... more
In addition to key topics such as bioethics, clinical outcome data, cultural diversity, protocol guidelines, and "omic" platforms, this edition... more
This book is an introductory overview of the various approaches,... more
"This book is a gem to read and use in practice."
--Briefings in Bioinformatics
"This volume has a distinctive, special value as it offers an unrivalled level of details and unique expert insights from the leading computational biologists, including the very creators of popular bioinformatics tools."
"A valuable survey of this fascinating field. . . I found it to be the most useful book on bioinformatics that I have seen and recommend it very... more
Don't have time to read the top Bioinformatics books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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- Being comprehensive: you learn the most important points in the book
- Cutting out the fluff: you focus your time on what's important to know
- Interactive exercises: apply the book's ideas to your own life with our educators' guidance.