100 Best Apocrypha Books of All Time
We've researched and ranked the best apocrypha books in the world, based on recommendations from world experts, sales data, and millions of reader ratings. Learn more
The Silky-Soft Flexcover Edition...
Walter IsaacsonEverybody, of course, should be familiar with [this book], which is a way of being taught through both parables and tales of people and their values. (Source)

Kevin KellyProbably the most amazing thing you haven’t read yet. (Source)
- Introductions and extensive annotations for each book by acknowledged experts in the field provide context and guidance.... more

Timothy BealI teach biblical studies at a secular university and I use this version a lot. It’s the standard critical edition for academic study, but many people use it for personal reasons. It uses the New Revised Standard Version translation, which I think is among the best. (Source)

Roger ThurowFeed the hungry is a central command of all religions great and small. But the question is, if that’s the case, and it is, how have we come into the 21st century with one billion chronically hungry people? (Source)

Felipe Fernández-ArmestoChapters 7 to 12 of the Book of Daniel constitute, in my opinion, the first genuinely global history ever written. (Source)
This book contains all sections of The First Book of Enoch:
The Book of the Watchers
The Book of Parables of... more

Verily, the story Biff has to tell is a miraculous one, filled with remarkable journeys, magic, healings, kung fu, corpse reanimations, demons, and hot babes. Even the... more
All 12 Christian apocryphal books + Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees + All of the apocryphal additions to Daniel, Esther, and Psalms less
From the Preface
This edition of the Septuagint, including Apocrypha, giving the complete Greek text along with a parallel English translation by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1807-1862), was first published in London in 1851.
The Septuagint (from the Latin septuaginta, meaning "seventy," and frequently referred to by... more
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She was magical, beautiful beyond belief—and completely alone...
The unicorn had lived since before memory in a forest where death could touch nothing. Maidens who caught a glimpse of her glory were blessed by enchantment they would never forget. But outside her... more
In 1945 an Egyptian peasant unearthed what proved to be the Gnostic Gospels, thirteen papyrus... more
Increasingly, scholars have pronounced the Apocrypha to be of great value for understanding the place of Judaism in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Consisting of such literary genres as wisdom,... more
The writers of the Bible lived in a world filled with many writings. Some of these documents are lost forever, but many have been preserved. Part of these extant sources are the Pseudepigrapha. This collection of Jewish and Christian writings shed light on early Judaism and Christianity and their doctrines.
This landmark set includes all 65 Pseudepigraphical documents from the intertestamental period that reveal the ongoing... more
• The first complete English-language translation of the original Coptic Gospel of Mary, with line-by-line commentary
• Reveals the eminence of the divine feminine in Christian thought
• Offers a new perspective on the life of one of the most controversial figures in the Western spiritual tradition
Perhaps no figure in biblical scholarship has been the subject of more controversy and debate than Mary Magdalene. Also known as Miriam of Magdala, Mary Magdalene... more
A brilliant skeptic, José Saramago envisions the life of Jesus Christ and the story of his Passion as things of this earth: A child crying, the caress of a woman half asleep, the bleat of a goat, a prayer uttered in the grayish morning light. His idea of the Holy Family reflects the real complexities of any family, and—as only Saramago can—he imagines them with tinges of vision, dream, and omen. The result is a deft psychological portrait that moves between poetry and irony, spirituality and... more
Don't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Many call the fifteenth-century codex, commonly known as the “Voynich Manuscript,” the world’s most mysterious book. Written in an unknown script by an unknown author, the manuscript has no clearer purpose now than when it was rediscovered in 1912 by rare books dealer Wilfrid Voynich. The... more
Special versions of the official Catholic translation... more
It was first printed by the King's Printer Robert Barker and was the third translation into English approved by the English Church authorities. The first had been the Great Bible,... more
Don't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Through science, faith and force of will, the Harmonics carved out for themselves a society that they conceived of as perfect. Diverse peoples held together by respect for each other and the prospect of swift punishment if they disobeyed their laws. Fertile land that embraced a variety of climates and seasons. Angels to guard the mortals and mystics to guard the forbidden knowledge. Jehovah to watch over them all...
But an age of corruption has come to the land, threatening their peace and placing the Samarians in grave danger. Their only hope... more
Here is an array of remarkably varied writings from early Christian groups whose visions of Jesus differ dramatically from our contemporary... more
Discover the world's all-time bestseller in an entirely new light
Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it's the most widely read book, it's also the least understood. Regardless of your religion, understanding the Bible brings much of Western art, literature, and... more
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Explores the gnostic significance of Jesus's teachings recorded in this gospel and explains the true nature of the new man whose coming Jesus envisioned.
Translated and interpreted by the author of the bestselling Gospel of Mary Magdalene and The Gospel of Philip.
One of the cache of codices and manuscripts discovered in Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Thomas, unlike the canonical gospels, does not contain a narrative recording Christ's life and prophecies. Instead it is a collection... more
"DeSilva does a fine job of placing the Apocrypha within the historical context of the Jewish world in which early Christianity was forged."--Publishers Weekly less
The Other Bible gathers in one comprehensive volume ancient, esoteric holy texts from Judeo–Christian tradition that were excluded from the official canon of the Old and New Testaments, including the Gnostic Gospels, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Kabbalah, and several more. The Other Bible provides a rare opportunity to discover the poetic and narrative riches of this long–suppressed literature and experience firsthand its... more
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Available in this kindle as well as the audiobook where you will hear the number-one-best-selling narrator, Steve Cook, bring life to these timeless manuscripts that have been enjoyed for millennia.
Anne Rice’s second book in her hugely ambitious and courageous life of Christ begins during his last winter before his baptism in the Jordan and concludes with the miracle at Cana.
It is a novel in which we see Jesus—he is called Yeshua bar Joseph—during a winter of no rain, endless dust, and talk of trouble in Judea.
Legends of a Virgin birth have long surrounded Yeshua, yet for decades he has lived as one among many who come to the synagogue on the Sabbath. All who know and love him find themselves waiting for some sign of the path he will eventually take.
And at last...
moreIn The Apocryphal Gospels, Ehrman and Plese present a rare compilation of over 40 ancient gospel texts and textual fragments that do not appear in the New Testament. This essential collection contains Gospels describing Jesus's infancy,... more
You’ve heard many Bible stories hundreds of times, but how many behind-the-scenes details are you missing? Sometimes a little context is all you need to discover the rich meaning behind the stories of Scripture.
For the first time available in the New Revised Standard Version, the award-winning Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, with notes from Dr. John H. Walton (Wheaton College) and Dr. Craig S. Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary), is packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of the ancient...
moreDon't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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While no other text can claim this same unique authority,... more
Churches and homes across America overwhelmingly choose the NRSV for its easy-to-understand translation and its sensitivity to inclusive language. A multi-denominational committee of scholars from around the world based their revision on the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts. The Oxford NRSV also includes the most complete collection of Aprocryphal and Deuterocanonical books.
The Oxford NRSV follows in Oxford... more
The Romance of Siam: A Pocket Guide is a subverted travel guide that interrogates the desire white people have to lose and reinvent themselves in Thailand. Ravine tracks how this “white love” manifests in the tourism industry, popular American media and the western imaginary. Ravine writes, “As a person of Thai and white descent, my attempts to connect to Thailand as a place or cultural identity are completely colonized by white desire; writing this book and performing its texts has been a way for me to try to decolonize that relationship.” more
The Book of Tobit is a book of scripture that is considered canon by Catholics & Orthodox Christians, but is considered to be apocryphal by most Protestants & those of the Jewish Faith.
The Book is a story of Wisdom & Healing that focuses on an honourable man named Tobit and his son, Tobias. less
Powerful infographics reveal new beauty and depth of understanding as you engage with Scripture’s story in a fresh, visual way. Taking inspiration from the imagery Jesus evoked with His picturesque parables, The Infographic Bible reveals the character of God, his Word, and his redemptive plan in 84 stunning infographics.
84 stunning infographics explain the character of God, his Word, and his redemptive plan
Scripture excerpts throughout the book taken... more
Don't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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Don't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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In Lost Christianities, Bart D. Ehrman offers a fascinating look at these early forms of Christianity and shows how they came to be suppressed, reformed, or forgotten. All of these groups insisted that they upheld the teachings of... more
The Africana Bible features a critical commentary on every book of the Hebrew Bible and the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha that are authoritative for... more
All King James Bibles published before 1666 included the Apocrypha. Many reprintings of older versions of the Bible now omit the apocrypha and many newer translations and revisions have never included them at all.
This is... more
One of the most celebrated volumes in Oxford's renowned line of bibles, the RSV New Oxford Annotated Bible features an impressive array of supplementary materials to guide in readers' understanding of the scripture. Outstanding biblical scholarship, affordability, and thousands of satisfied readers have proven that the RSV NOAB is the best ecumenical resource available today.
What do the writings of the New Testament tell us about each of these key followers of Christ? What legends have sprung up about them in the centuries after their deaths? Was Paul bow-legged and bald? Was Peter crucified upside down? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? In this lively work,... more
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THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST is a far-reaching work that brings to light the intimate details of Christ's life upon which the New Testament gospels are silent, written from the original Akashic Records by a student who devoted forty years to prepare for the task.
This unique book is practically a complete record of the words and works of the Man of Galilee, including his eighteen years... more
The Septuagint, the name given to the translation of the Hebrew scriptures between the third century BC and the second century AD, played a central role in the Bible's history. Many of the Hebrew scriptures were still evolving when they were translated into Greek, and these Greek translations, along with several new Greek writings, became... more
Tarzan, the heart of primeval Africa, escapes death on the horn of Buto the rhinoceros, saves the life of Tantor the elephant, sends the witchdoctor Bukawai to a terrible death, battle victoriously with his arch-enemy Numa the Lion, and slowly but surely fights his way to a mastery of his savage, unforgiving jungle. less
Don't have time to read the top Apocrypha books of all time? Read Shortform summaries.
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