Ranked #1 in Hymn, Ranked #21 in Daily Devotional — see more rankings.
Rob Morgan's inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations.
Don't look for a dry recounting of boring stories. These devotional-style stories show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history -- the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories speak to your... more
Don't look for a dry recounting of boring stories. These devotional-style stories show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history -- the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories speak to your... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Then Sings My Soul from the world's leading experts.

C S Lewis Quotes Et Al If you love old hymns, this book about the stories behind them is amazing and interesting: Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan https://t.co/ngpT9CWLhZ (Source)
Rankings by Category
Then Sings My Soul is ranked in the following categories:
- #65 in Church History
- #52 in Devotion
- #22 in Music History