Ranked #1 in Essay Writing, Ranked #6 in Existential — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Unbearable Lightness of Being from the world's leading experts.

Evan Spiegel [Evan Spiegel said this was his favorite book.] (Source)

Ev Williams Co-Founder/Twitter, CEO/MediumRecommends this book

Iulia Ghita I like Milan Kundera’s books with his philosophical digressions that sometimes remind me of my own dilemmas, with The Unbearable Lightness of Being as my favourite. I find Kundera’s stories awfully sad, but yet so real, so close to human nature. I admit, I’m not a fan of happy endings, I prefer thought provoking endings. (Source)

Cristina Riesen First, a word on career paths. In time, I realised that career paths are like one-way streets. Magic happens in unexplored territories. Plus life is how you choose to live every moment, every day. So today, rather than building a career, I prefer to make lateral moves in life, working with great people and being part of ambitious projects impacting the world. There are a few books that got me here: [...] Milan Kundera "The Unbearable Lightness of Being". (Source)

Bernard Tan eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'theceolibrary_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',164,'0','1'])); I wasn’t expecting anything going into it, but I am currently quite engrossed by Kundera’s understanding of humanity and his beautiful writing style. (Source)

Max Gurvits The Unbearable Lightness I first read when I was 16, and twice more at six-year intervals since then. Which is a good reminder that I should read it again in the next 12 months, keeping up the tradition. That book has a beautiful mix of a love story, a glance at life during the Cold War, particularly at the angst of intellectuals living behind the Iron Curtain, who are trying to reconcile their understanding of the fallacy of the regime and their personal fears, with a dictated sense of normalcy. For me, its strongest message is about the threats of cowardice and jealousy, that surround us in... (Source)

Alain de Botton This book was recommended by on page 488 in "Tools of Titans". (Source)

Justin Boreta [Jack Dorsey recommended this book as an answer to "what book would you take with you to a desert island?"] (Source)

Carlos Eire The title, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, comes from the main character’s obsession with the fact that all we have is the now, nothing else except the ever-moving now. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Unbearable Lightness of Being is ranked in the following categories:
- #44 in 20th Century
- #10 in Adultery
- #85 in Beautiful
- #7 in Breakup
- #8 in Communism
- #14 in Existentialism
- #16 in Facebook
- #62 in French
- #87 in Game Changer
- #48 in Gold
- #56 in Holiday Reading
- #75 in Influential
- #71 in Insightful
- #79 in Intellectual
- #98 in Life Changing
- #60 in Literary
- #54 in Literature
- #83 in Love
- #30 in Meaning Of Life
- #25 in Men
- #48 in Modern
- #29 in Modern Classic
- #37 in Modern Fiction
- #95 in Most Influential
- #38 in Novel
- #58 in Philosophy
- #24 in Postmodernism
- #62 in Recent
- #29 in Roman
- #30 in Sex
- #51 in Soul
- #23 in Translated
- #36 in Wanderlust
- #51 in Why
- #61 in World