Ranked #1 in Archives, Ranked #1 in Communism — see more rankings.
One reviewer wrote 'In a hundred years' time perhaps Animal... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Animal Farm from the world's leading experts.

Daniel Pink AuthorRecommends this book

Whitney Cummings [Whitney Cummings recommended this book on the podcast "The Tim Ferriss Show".] (Source)

Vlad Tenev When I was in sixth grade I remember being very upset by the ending of [this book]. (Source)

Sol Orwell Question: What books had the biggest impact on you? Perhaps changed the way you see things or dramatically changed your career path. Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984 (though Huxley's Brave New World is a better reflection of today's society). (Source)

Heather Brooke I picked Animal Farm because it is an allegory about power and its seductive and corruptive influence on people regardless of their initial good intentions. (Source)

P J O’Rourke Yes. One is comic satire and the other is tragicomic satire. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Animal Farm is ranked in the following categories:
- #2 in 10th Grade
- #27 in 11th Grade
- #26 in 12-Year-Old
- #6 in 13-Year-Old
- #3 in 14-Year-Old
- #2 in 15-Year-Old
- #27 in 16-Year-Old
- #2 in 20th Century
- #28 in 7th Grade
- #7 in 8th Grade
- #3 in 9th Grade
- #12 in Abstract
- #26 in Adult
- #1 in Animals
- #28 in Author
- #10 in Bucket List
- #17 in Business Communication
- #5 in Catalog
- #7 in Censorship
- #4 in Children's Farm
- #5 in Class
- #8 in Classic
- #10 in Classical
- #12 in Collection
- #8 in Controversial
- #5 in Corruption
- #26 in Dad
- #13 in Dystopian
- #18 in Easy Reading
- #1 in Encyclopedias
- #6 in English
- #1 in English Writer
- #6 in Facebook
- #1 in Farm Animal
- #15 in Fascism
- #3 in Fiction
- #5 in Five
- #5 in Folio Society
- #18 in GoT
- #13 in Goodreads
- #6 in High School
- #4 in High School Reading
- #17 in Human Nature
- #15 in Important
- #16 in Influential
- #19 in Insightful
- #13 in Intellectual
- #21 in Interesting
- #24 in Ireland
- #6 in Learning English
- #16 in Leather Bound
- #15 in Libertarianism
- #15 in Library
- #21 in Light
- #4 in Literary
- #3 in Literature
- #14 in Men
- #3 in Modern Classic
- #20 in Modern History
- #21 in Modernism
- #9 in Modernist
- #28 in Mom
- #22 in Morality
- #8 in Morals
- #8 in Must-Read
- #4 in Novel
- #10 in Old
- #3 in Online
- #15 in Paperback
- #3 in Pig
- #12 in Political Philosophy
- #9 in Political Science
- #12 in Political Theory
- #2 in Politics
- #23 in Possession
- #6 in Poster
- #12 in Power
- #9 in Propaganda
- #7 in Purple
- #15 in Rated
- #26 in Red
- #1 in Revolution
- #4 in Roman
- #1 in Satire
- #1 in Short
- #7 in Social
- #2 in Socialism
- #12 in Story
- #2 in Stretching
- #19 in Summer Reading
- #25 in The Cold War
- #5 in Thought-Provoking
- #27 in Time
- #19 in To-Read
- #6 in UK
- #15 in Used
- #5 in Utopian
- #4 in Virus