Ranked #1 in C++, Ranked #1 in Lion — see more rankings.
Lucy is the first to find the secret of the wardrobe in the professor's mysterious old house. At first her brothers and sister don't believe her when she tells of her visit to the land of Narnia. But soon Edmund, then Peter and Susan step through the wardrobe themselves. In Narnia they find a country buried under the evil enchantment of the White Witch. When they meet the Lion Aslan, they realize they've been called to a great adventure and bravely join the... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1) from the world's leading experts.

Chris Anderson As a child, they exploded my imagination. (Source)

Lev Grossman You win some Turkish delight. Everyone knows Lewis’s Narnia books are a foundational work of the modern fantastic. But I don’t think Lewis gets enough credit for his craft as a writer. Those books are deceptively simple. Look at the way he constructed the opening of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He puts the shadows of the war in the background, the excitement of a new house in the country in the foreground. Look at how he carefully sketches all the relationships between all four of the Pevensie children. And when he sends Lucy through the wardrobe (it’s on page five – he doesn’t waste... (Source)

Chris Anderson As a child, they exploded my imagination. (Source)

Chris Anderson As a child, they exploded my imagination. (Source)

Chris Anderson As a child, they exploded my imagination. (Source)

Yaro Starak During the early days of my life, my mother read to me the classics, like “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings”, Enid Blyton, “The Land of the Faraway Tree”, “The Narnia Chronicles”, “The Neverending Story” . All these books were really important to me as a kid and they became just as important to me as an adult because I read through most of them again, for example (obviously) The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and also The Narnia Chronicles. Went through all of those again and got something powerful out of them because you don’t realise as a child what kind of maybe more spiritual or... (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1) is ranked in the following categories:
- #4 in 10-Year-Old
- #10 in 11-Year-Old
- #35 in 12-Year-Old
- #31 in 20th Century
- #6 in 2nd Grade
- #3 in 3rd Grade
- #3 in 4th Grade
- #3 in 5th Grade
- #11 in 6th Grade
- #3 in 7-Year-Old
- #36 in 7th Grade
- #29 in 8-Year-Old
- #3 in 9-Year-Old
- #20 in Adaptation
- #9 in Adult Series
- #16 in Adventure
- #12 in Adventure Fantasy
- #22 in Adventure Fiction
- #24 in Animals
- #6 in Antiques
- #11 in Archives
- #31 in Blue
- #28 in Boy
- #2 in C
- #39 in Catalog
- #14 in Chapter
- #41 in Character Development
- #5 in Childhood
- #8 in Children's Chapter
- #3 in Children's Classics
- #2 in Children's Fantasy
- #5 in Children’s
- #6 in Christian
- #17 in Christian Theology
- #38 in Classic
- #4 in Clean
- #6 in Elementary
- #30 in Epic Fantasy
- #32 in Evil
- #14 in Faith
- #35 in Family
- #13 in Fantasy
- #10 in Fantasy Adventure
- #11 in Fantasy Fiction
- #17 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #24 in Fantasy Series
- #25 in Fiction Series
- #33 in Fun
- #8 in Girl
- #22 in GoT
- #31 in God
- #35 in Good Read
- #22 in Gospel
- #24 in Grace
- #31 in Growing Up
- #30 in Happy
- #16 in Hebrew
- #29 in Imagination
- #24 in Irish
- #26 in Jesus
- #13 in Kinder
- #10 in Magic
- #9 in Magical Fantasy
- #12 in Medieval Fantasy
- #18 in Middle School
- #38 in Modern Classic
- #17 in Modern Fantasy
- #17 in Mom
- #21 in Morals
- #19 in Movie
- #22 in Movies
- #10 in Mystical
- #10 in Mythical Creatures
- #5 in Nostalgia
- #24 in Old
- #3 in Older Children
- #37 in Paperback
- #32 in Possession
- #12 in Prophecy
- #15 in Purple
- #20 in Quest
- #34 in Rated
- #2 in Read Aloud
- #20 in Redemption
- #34 in Religion
- #34 in Royalty
- #30 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #15 in Series
- #23 in The Gospels
- #33 in UK
- #31 in Used
- #16 in Victoria
- #1 in Werewolf Romance
- #10 in Winter
- #23 in Witch
- #9 in Young Reader
- #12 in Young Teen
- #9 in Youth