Ranked #1 in Music Biography, Ranked #2 in Islam — see more rankings.
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Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Autobiography of Malcolm X from the world's leading experts.

Casey Neistat Founder/368 Creative SpaceAside from The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Casey's favorite book is The Second World War by John Keegan. (Source)

Ryan Holiday AuthorI forget who said it but I heard someone say that Catcher in the Rye was to young white boys what the Autobiography of Malcolm X was to young black boys. Personally, I prefer that latter over the former. I would much rather read about and emulate a man who is born into adversity and pain, struggles with criminality, does prison time, teaches himself to read through the dictionary, finds religion and then becomes an activist for Civil Rights before being gunned down by his former supporters when he tempers the hate and anger that had long defined parts of his message. (Source)

Keith Ellison Malcolm X is somebody that everybody in America’s prisons today could look at and say, ‘You know what, I can emerge, I can evolve' (Source)

David Coogan His memoir describes that process of transformation from a common narrative of street hustler and limited opportunities, struggling in a racist society, to this radicalization in part through literacy, in part through literature and religion. (Source)

Steve Aoki [I] was blown away by the determination and commitment that Malcolm X had to his people and to fight against a system that was not designed to support or help him or his people. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Autobiography of Malcolm X is ranked in the following categories:
- #16 in African
- #2 in African American
- #2 in African American History
- #9 in African History
- #29 in American History
- #60 in Americana
- #6 in Author Biography
- #10 in Autobiography
- #15 in Bibliography
- #15 in Biography
- #11 in Black Author
- #5 in Civics
- #4 in Cricket
- #84 in Culture
- #37 in Current
- #36 in Documentaries
- #7 in Gandhi
- #37 in History
- #28 in Human Rights
- #25 in Identity
- #74 in Important
- #12 in Justice
- #2 in Lake
- #51 in Memoir
- #31 in Men
- #81 in Modern Classic
- #3 in Music History
- #82 in Nonfiction
- #18 in Philosophy History
- #37 in Politics
- #20 in Power
- #18 in Prison
- #13 in Racism
- #45 in Research
- #11 in Revolution
- #13 in Security
- #63 in Social
- #22 in US History