Ranked #37 in Agriculture, Ranked #83 in Food Science
Why does everything have soy in it?
How do petrochemicals and biofuels control the price of food?
It's a perverse fact of modern life: There are more starving people in the world than ever before (800 million) while there are also more people overweight (1 billion).
To find out how we got to this point and what we can do about it, Raj Patel launched a comprehensive investigation into the global food network. It took him from the colossal supermarkets of California to India's wrecked paddy–fields and Africa's bankrupt... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Stuffed and Starved from the world's leading experts.

Barry Estabrook Patel is a very smart man, a scholar in the true sense of the word. He takes this huge global picture. The book goes everywhere from India to Brazil to southern Africa looking at how the global impact of industrialised food has led to this scandalous situation where there are a billion people who get too many calories a day and a billion people who do not get enough. Again, it often has a lot to do with economic choices made by government agencies and non-government organisations. (Source)

Danny Dorling We have this scandalous situation where there are a billion people who get too many calories a day and a billion people who do not get enough. (Source)