Ranked #26 in Sports Psychology
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Peak Performance from the world's leading experts.

Dick Costolo Former CEO/TwitterSo much in this book resonates with me. With practical advice for performance in the workplace or on the playing field, Brad and Steve meticulously deliver a comprehensive understanding of peak performance and howto achieve it. (Source)

Arianna Huffington Founder/The Huffington PostAn essential playbook for success, happiness, and getting the most out of ourselves. (Source)

Dustin Moskovitz Co-founder/Facebook and AsanaSharpen the saw. (Source)

Ryan Holiday AuthorBrad Stulberg is one of my favorite writers about two of my favorite topics: physical and mental performance. This book brings them together. (Source)

Daniel Pink AuthorWhat do top performers actually do to make themselves great? Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness are here with some powerful answers. From rethinking stress to transcending your ‘self,’ the ideas in Peak Performance will help you become better than you ever imagined. (Source)

Bob Kocher Partner at Venrock CapitalBrad and Steve uncover secrets of the world's best performers to help us all become more effective in our own pursuits. Peak Performance is a must read for everyone: from athletes to artists, and certainly entrepreneurs. Basically, this book is for anyone looking to take their skills to the next level. (Source)

Rich Roll Tackling the mysteries of human optimization with science and insight from some of the world’s greatest athletes, artists and intellectuals, Peak Performance provides the roadmap you need to transcend your limitations, unleash your inner greatness and, most importantly, sustain it over time. An absolute must read for anyone interested in unlocking potential to become your best self! (Source)

Adam Grant This is a transfixing book on how to sustain peak performance and avoid burnout. Stulberg and Magness have worked with (and been) elite achievers, and they combine that rich experience with the science of success to share actionable insights. (Source)

David Epstein Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness are one-percenters when it comes to skill in translating high performance science for the public. I doubt anyone can read Peak Performance without itching to apply something to their own lives. (Source)

Alex Hutchinson What do great artists, champion athletes, and brilliant researchers have in common? More than you'd expect, as Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness reveal in this magnificent silo-breaking synthesis of the hidden patterns that enable great performance across disciplines. (Source)