Ranked #41 in Meditation
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha from the world's leading experts.

Naval Ravikant CEO & Co-Founder/AngelListThat’s a great book. Recommended to me by a friend. It’s available online. I would get that one. If you’re interested in Buddhism, meditation, insight, I thought that one brought everything together, while leaving the mysticism out of it. That should give you the indication. (Source)

Joel Gascoigne My co-founder Leo and I discovered this book, essentially the Bible of Buddhism, when we were on vacation together in Hawaii. We found it in the hotel rooms and we ended up taking it around the resort with us and discussing the wisdom and stories over lunch. It was fascinating. There are some religious teachings in the Teaching of Buddha. At the same time, there are just as many philosophical teachings and stories that would be enjoyable for anyone to read. (Source)