Ranked #19 in Social Media Marketing, Ranked #89 in Personal Branding — see more rankings.
"Bernadette's back, and just in time. This is her finest work, a book that ought to be read by everyone on your team, and somehow hidden from your competitors."-SETH GODIN
One of the biggest challenges we face as entrepreneurs and innovators is understanding how to make our ideas resonate. We tend to have no shortage of ideas, but we struggle to tell the story of how they are going to be useful in the world and why they will matter to people. Marketing is the way we communicate how our ideas translate to value for people in a marketplace.
Marketing has become a... more
One of the biggest challenges we face as entrepreneurs and innovators is understanding how to make our ideas resonate. We tend to have no shortage of ideas, but we struggle to tell the story of how they are going to be useful in the world and why they will matter to people. Marketing is the way we communicate how our ideas translate to value for people in a marketplace.
Marketing has become a... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Marketing: A Love Story from the world's leading experts.

Seth Godin Author, Marketer, EntrepreneurBernadette helped modern marketers see that stories are a choice. That’s a huge leap. Of course it’s true, but it means that we have to spend as much time and energy building and living a story as we do creating the products and services that match that story. (Source)

David Cancel Recommends this book