Ranked #2 in Learning, Ranked #4 in Teacher — see more rankings.
Memory plays a central role in our ability to carry out complex cognitive tasks, such as applying knowledge to problems never... more
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Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Make It Stick from the world's leading experts.

Barbara Oakley If you’re trying to keep up your reading about learning, one of the best books about learning is Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter Brown, Henry Roediger III, and Mark McDaniel. This insightful book was co-authored by some of the most influential researchers around. The book jacket says it best: “Many common study habits and practice routines turn out to be counterproductive. Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from... (Source)
Rankings by Category
Make It Stick is ranked in the following categories:
- #71 in Behavior
- #61 in Behavioral Economics
- #45 in Brain
- #14 in Cognitive Psychology
- #5 in Education
- #7 in Educational Psychology
- #45 in Human Brain
- #98 in Knowledge
- #11 in Memory Improvement
- #61 in Mind
- #89 in Popular Science
- #56 in Productivity
- #5 in Studying
- #6 in Teaching
- #84 in Thinking