Ranked #1 in Charismatic, Ranked #1 in Controversial — see more rankings.
Awe and exhilaration–along with heartbreak and mordant wit–abound in this account of the aging Humbert Humbert's... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Lolita from the world's leading experts.

Ev Williams Co-Founder/Twitter, CEO/MediumRecommends this book

Leo Babauta Recommends this book

Richard Cohen It’s more imbued with references to the sun and using the sun as symbol or metaphor – almost a kind of character in the novel – than any other work in literature. (Source)

Bryan Callen So here are my three must read books. I've been reading a lot of great books like: Outsmart Your Instincts, The Culture Code, and Antonio Damasio’s The Strange Order, and sometimes when you read a lot of nonfiction it’s very enriching, sometimes you need a novel. I really believe you should take a minute and read something beautiful. Listen, listen to Lolita by Nabokov. But also listen to Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and listen to Richard Poe narrate that. Those are two of the greatest feats of the english language that I can think of. Then there’s Fortress of Solitude, an amazing book,... (Source)

Steven Amsterdam What’s spectacular for me is the triumph of the humour over his loathsomeness. (Source)

Ella Berthoud Even though it’s wrong, you sympathise with him because he can’t help himself and writes about it in such a passionate and empathetic way. (Source)
Rankings by Category
Lolita is ranked in the following categories:
- #70 in 11th Grade
- #71 in 16-Year-Old
- #10 in 20th Century
- #97 in Adult
- #28 in American
- #32 in American Literature
- #24 in Americana
- #68 in Awarded
- #11 in Banned
- #82 in Beautiful
- #17 in Beauty
- #20 in Bucket List
- #6 in Butterfly
- #77 in Catalog
- #43 in Charisma
- #48 in Classic
- #68 in Classical
- #57 in Collection
- #12 in Copenhagen
- #88 in Drama
- #34 in Dramatic
- #77 in Evil
- #59 in Fiction
- #16 in Five
- #5 in GRE
- #6 in GRE Prep
- #73 in Game Changer
- #21 in Girl
- #52 in Gold
- #78 in Graduate School
- #72 in Important
- #89 in Life Changing
- #19 in Literary
- #19 in Literature
- #76 in Love
- #20 in Men
- #30 in Modern
- #12 in Modern Classic
- #63 in Modern Fiction
- #24 in Modernism
- #14 in Modernist
- #44 in Must-Read
- #31 in Novel
- #93 in Old
- #38 in Possession
- #23 in Poster
- #2 in Postmodernism
- #2 in Puns
- #17 in Purple
- #69 in Quarantine
- #47 in Roman
- #7 in Russian
- #7 in Sex
- #6 in Sexuality
- #96 in Smart
- #74 in Story
- #21 in Summer
- #84 in Summer Reading
- #38 in Time
- #72 in To-Read
- #49 in Top Ten
- #81 in Trauma
- #8 in Trigger Warning
- #19 in Twisted
- #47 in University