
How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground

Ranked #8 in Hacking, Ranked #11 in Cyber Securitysee more rankings.

The true story of Max Butler, the master hacker who ran a billion dollar cyber crime network.

The word spread through the hacking underground like some unstoppable new virus: an audacious crook had staged a hostile takeover of an online criminal network that siphoned billions of dollars from the US economy.

The culprit was a brilliant programmer with a hippie ethic and a supervillain's double identity. Max 'Vision' Butler was a white-hat hacker and a celebrity throughout the programming world, even serving as a consultant to the FBI. But there was another side to Max. As...

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Vinod Khosla Co-Founder/Sun MicrosystemRecommends this book

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