The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Client Retention

Ranked #84 in Networking
Does it feel like you work in a "red ocean filled with sharks?" Eat or be eaten. Fierce competition. Continual battling over scarce resources.
What if there was another path? What if you could create your own blue oasis where profits are higher, marketing is as natural as breathing, and competition is nearly nonexistent? This nirvana can be a reality when you practice the principles of Giftology. In this unusual un-marketing resource you'll discover...
*Why Giftology isn't an's an investment that can pay off with huge dividends. more
What if there was another path? What if you could create your own blue oasis where profits are higher, marketing is as natural as breathing, and competition is nearly nonexistent? This nirvana can be a reality when you practice the principles of Giftology. In this unusual un-marketing resource you'll discover...
*Why Giftology isn't an's an investment that can pay off with huge dividends. more
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