Ranked #3 in Tennessee, Ranked #4 in Folklore — see more rankings.
A storm is coming . . .
Locked behind bars for three years, Shadow did his time, quietly waiting for the magic day... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of American Gods (American Gods, #1) from the world's leading experts.

Ricky Whittle Nobody can break my family.I’m proud to be apart of this diverse cast & crew who are working their butts off to deliver a fantastic season 3 continuing to tell Shadows story and the awesome characters he meets along the way as in @neilhimself incredible book #readit #details🤔 https://t.co/PahPC9j3HB (Source)

Scott Johnson American Gods by Neil Gaiman. This is a brilliant thought experiment about what happens to a god when its believers stop believing. My preferred edition is the 10th Anniversary release with expanded text. (Source)

Marko Rakar Basically, first of all, I am a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy books and I grew up with Douglas Adams and Arthur C Clarke. For me, this is the best of Gaiman’s books and I’ve got all of them. It’s set in the present time and talks about settlers who have settled a continent and have brought their gods with them. So, if you are Swedish and you cherish Nordic gods and move to the US, the gods go with you and the more you believe in them the stronger they are. But if fewer people start believing in them then they get weaker and eventually they become mortal and die. So, it’s about all... (Source)
Rankings by Category
American Gods (American Gods, #1) is ranked in the following categories:
- #89 in 11th Grade
- #89 in 16-Year-Old
- #11 in 21st Century
- #44 in Adaptation
- #40 in Adult
- #12 in Adult Fantasy
- #25 in Adult Series
- #37 in American
- #17 in Americana
- #27 in Audible
- #33 in Audio
- #43 in Author
- #36 in Award-Winning
- #24 in Awarded
- #98 in Bucket List
- #17 in Candy
- #62 in Collection
- #82 in Cool
- #11 in Dark Fantasy
- #20 in English
- #36 in Entertaining
- #36 in Entertainment
- #87 in Epic
- #18 in Fantasy
- #57 in Fantasy Adventure
- #23 in Fantasy Fiction
- #26 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #52 in Fiction
- #45 in Folio Society
- #46 in Fun
- #42 in Gift
- #21 in God
- #51 in Gold
- #43 in Holiday Reading
- #7 in Hugo Award
- #78 in Intellectual
- #8 in Interviewing
- #19 in Kindle
- #17 in Learning English
- #30 in Legend
- #40 in Library
- #83 in Light
- #21 in Long
- #91 in Magic
- #38 in Magical Fantasy
- #17 in Magical Realism
- #21 in Modern
- #83 in Modern Classic
- #5 in Modern Fantasy
- #30 in Modern Fiction
- #21 in Mystical
- #88 in Mythical Creatures
- #15 in Mythology
- #57 in Nerdy
- #42 in Nook
- #76 in Novel
- #51 in Paperback
- #37 in Possession
- #54 in Poster
- #51 in Prison
- #31 in Quest
- #76 in Rated
- #53 in Recent
- #47 in Recommended
- #61 in Religion
- #64 in Reviewed
- #17 in Sci-Fi Horror
- #23 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #34 in Scribd
- #63 in Signed
- #91 in Smart
- #97 in Summer Reading
- #48 in Supernatural
- #39 in Surrealism
- #99 in Thought-Provoking
- #37 in Top Ten
- #23 in Twist
- #80 in UK
- #23 in Urban
- #8 in Urban Fantasy
- #47 in Vacation
- #6 in Weird