Algal Biofuels Guide
Renewable Energy from Algae, Macroalgae (Seaweed), Cyanobacteria, Feedstocks, Cultivation, Harvesting, Extraction, Conversion, Distribution and Utilization
Ranked #46 in Biotechnology
Algal biomass is a fast-growing, renewable resource and a promising feedstock for advanced biofuels. Algal biofuels are generating considerable interest around the world. In the United States, they represent promising pathways for helping to meet the biofuel production targets set by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Algae are a diverse group of primarily aquatic organisms that are capable of using photosynthesis to generate biomass. Some algal strains are able to double their mass several times per day. In some cases, more than half of that mass consists of lipids or... more