Ranked #1 in Medieval, Ranked #1 in Adult — see more rankings.
Here is the first volume in George R. R. Martin’s magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords. As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Magic, mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill these pages and transport us to a world unlike any we have ever experienced. Already hailed as a classic, George R. R. Martin’s stunning series is destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction.
Long ago, in a time... more
Long ago, in a time... more
Rankings by Category
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1) is ranked in the following categories:
- #48 in 20th Century
- #14 in Action
- #23 in Action Adventure
- #8 in Adaptation
- #19 in Addicting
- #2 in Adult Fantasy
- #2 in Adult Series
- #23 in Adultery
- #40 in Adulting
- #20 in Adventure
- #13 in Adventure Fantasy
- #32 in Adventure Fiction
- #40 in Amazing
- #35 in American
- #48 in American Literature
- #13 in Audible
- #40 in Audio
- #34 in Author
- #30 in Bestseller
- #2 in Betrayal
- #17 in Blue
- #19 in Candy
- #24 in Character Development
- #11 in Collection
- #21 in Conspiracy
- #28 in Cool
- #29 in Corruption
- #18 in Current
- #24 in Dad
- #1 in Dark Fantasy
- #48 in Death
- #23 in Diplomacy
- #2 in Dragon
- #26 in Dramatic
- #9 in Entertaining
- #7 in Entertainment
- #2 in Epic
- #1 in Epic Fantasy
- #8 in Fantasy
- #9 in Fantasy Adventure
- #2 in Fantasy Epic
- #8 in Fantasy Fiction
- #8 in Fantasy Sci-Fi
- #3 in Fantasy Series
- #31 in Fiction
- #12 in Fiction Series
- #2 in Fire
- #19 in Fun
- #42 in Games
- #19 in Gift
- #1 in GoT
- #15 in Gold
- #45 in Good Read
- #29 in Heroes
- #11 in Infidelity
- #3 in Kindle
- #29 in Library
- #2 in Long
- #31 in Magic
- #12 in Magical Fantasy
- #49 in Media
- #2 in Medieval Fantasy
- #26 in Men
- #44 in Monsters
- #46 in Morality
- #23 in Murder
- #45 in Must-Read
- #16 in Mythical Creatures
- #25 in NPR
- #14 in Nerdy
- #7 in Nook
- #44 in Novel
- #37 in Online
- #9 in Paperback
- #32 in Political Thriller
- #20 in Popular
- #18 in Poster
- #29 in Power
- #26 in Rated
- #27 in Recent
- #29 in Recommended
- #37 in Red
- #11 in Revenge
- #19 in Reviewed
- #15 in Royalty
- #14 in Saga
- #36 in Sales
- #6 in Science Fiction Fantasy
- #13 in Series
- #40 in Sex
- #8 in Stars
- #23 in To-Read
- #46 in Top Ten
- #17 in Trigger Warning
- #19 in Twins
- #10 in Twist
- #24 in War
- #25 in Wars