Ranked #94 in Conversation
For decades, film and TV producer Brian Grazer has scheduled a weekly “curiosity conversation” with an accomplished stranger. From scientists to spies, and adventurers to business leaders, Grazer has met with anyone willing to answer his questions... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of A Curious Mind from the world's leading experts.

Sheryl Sandberg COO/FacebookA powerful tribute to the ways innovation and disruptive thinking stem from a common trait: curiosity. Because the little girl who asks ‘Why is the sky blue?’ becomes the woman who can change the world. (Source)

Eric Schmidt CEO/GoogleTo have a great life, you need to be curious. Curiosity is what makes us human and moves our world forward. Brian Grazer tells this story in an exceptional way and demonstrates how everyone can tap into curiosity to live a bigger life. (Source)

Dick Costolo Former CEO/TwitterCuriosity leads to insights and fuels the creative process – and nobody knows more about curiosity than Brian Grazer. In his delightful book, A Curious Mind, we get to see that curiously creative process in action. (Source)

Angela Duckworth AuthorI read A Curious Mind in one sitting. I sank into a chair and fell into the story of this person, who did not start with material advantages but ended up doing great creative work as a Hollywood producer. He calls curiosity ‘a superpower.’ I read it cover to cover in part because it’s so fun and it’s so fueled by curiosity and creativity. (Source)

Karlie Kloss Showed me that curiosity is not only a mindset, but it’s universal. (Source)

Ron Howard @BrianGrazer my buddy! i love your latest book! (full disclosure, i’m even in the book a little, folks!). Check it out folks! Face to Face! Find it and read it and talk about it with your friends. https://t.co/rANsIq01XZ (Source)

Thom Singer Question: What five books would you recommend to young people interested in your career path & why? Answer: 7 Habits Highly Effective People - life blueprint Swim with the Sharks - realize people and how you relate to them are key How to Win Friends and Influence People - a classic that matters a lot in our digital world A Curious Mind by Brian Grazier - we all need to put curiosity higher as a priority Peak Performers, by Charles Garfield - examples of greatness Most of these books are 25 years old or more (Not A Curious Mind).... But the books you read when you are young set the patterns... (Source)