Podcasts > Pursuit of Wellness > Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

By Mari Llewellyn

On the Pursuit of Wellness podcast, Mari and Fiona celebrate the success of their new colostrum and collagen supplement, highlighting its benefits for gut health, immunity, and skin. They also reflect on Mari and Greg's honor as Entrepreneurs of the Year for the Los Angeles region, recognizing their entrepreneurial journey.

In addition, Fiona shares her experience with the diabetes drug Ozempic, emphasizing that while it has aided weight loss, hard work through diet and exercise remains crucial. The hosts also mention upcoming travel plans and birthday celebrations.

Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

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Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

1-Page Summary

New Product Excelling in the Marketplace

Mari and Fiona celebrate their new supplement combining colostrum and grass-fed collagen, touting benefits like gut health, immunity, and enhanced skin. They source the colostrum responsibly from US dairy farms. According to Fiona, the product has seen strong sales, especially on Amazon.

Mari and Greg Honored as Entrepreneurs of the Year

Founders Mari Llewellyn and Greg Dring won the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year award for the Los Angeles region, emerging from over 200 applicants to be among 30 finalists. Fiona describes how the formal black-tie affair at the Beverly Hills Hotel marked an emotional milestone validating Mari and Greg's entrepreneurial journey.

Fiona's Ozempic Experience Not "Magic Bullet"

Fiona opens up about taking the diabetes drug Ozempic, reporting slight side effects like fatigue but no dramatic weight loss, contrary to stories of others losing up to 30 lbs. She cautions that hard work through diet and exercise is still essential, as Ozempic isn't a "cheat code."

Upcoming Trips and Celebrations

Fiona reveals upcoming travel plans to Italy next week, her first time back since studying abroad. Meanwhile, she and Mari will soon celebrate Fiona's birthday and the 4th of July together on Long Island.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals after giving birth, known for its high concentration of antibodies and nutrients that support immune function. Grass-fed collagen is sourced from cows that have been raised on a diet of grass, which is believed to produce a higher quality collagen with potential benefits for skin health and joint support. Combining colostrum and grass-fed collagen in a supplement may offer a synergistic effect, promoting gut health, immunity, and skin rejuvenation.
  • Mari Llewellyn and Greg Dring were honored with the Entrepreneur of the Year award for the Los Angeles region. They were selected from a pool of over 200 applicants to be among the 30 finalists. The award ceremony took place at the Beverly Hills Hotel, a formal black-tie event that marked a significant milestone in their entrepreneurial journey. The recognition validated their hard work and success in the business world.
  • Ozempic is a prescription medication used to treat type 2 diabetes by helping to control blood sugar levels. While some people experience weight loss as a side effect, individual results can vary. It is not a guaranteed weight loss solution and should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise for best results. Fiona's experience with Ozempic highlights that weight loss outcomes can differ among users.


  • The supplement's claimed benefits may not be supported by sufficient scientific evidence, as the efficacy of supplements can vary widely and is often debated in the medical community.
  • Responsible sourcing from US dairy farms is a positive step, but it does not address potential concerns about the environmental impact of dairy farming or the ethical considerations of using animal-derived products.
  • Strong sales on Amazon indicate market success but do not necessarily reflect the long-term viability or effectiveness of the product.
  • Winning an Entrepreneur of the Year award is an impressive achievement, but it does not guarantee the quality or ethical standards of the company's products.
  • The award ceremony being an emotional milestone is subjective and may not be as significant to the broader community or industry.
  • Fiona's experience with Ozempic may not be representative of all users, as individual responses to medication can vary greatly.
  • Emphasizing hard work through diet and exercise is important, but it may oversimplify the challenges faced by individuals with medical conditions that make weight management more complex.
  • Travel plans and celebrations are personal life events that may not hold relevance to the broader audience or contribute to the discussion of the supplement or entrepreneurial achievements.

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Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

New product launch

Mari and Fiona are excited to share details about their new high-quality colostrum and collagen peptides product, which is already experiencing strong sales, particularly on Amazon.

Mari and Fiona discuss the successful launch of the new supplement that combines the benefits of colostrum and collagen.

The Benefits of Colostrum and Grass-Fed Collagen

The product boasts components that contribute to overall wellness, with colostrum supporting gut health and immunity, and grass-fed collagen aiding skin and nails.

Ethical and Quality Sourcing

The colostrum is responsibly sourced from ...

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New product launch

Additional Materials


  • Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by mammals after giving birth, rich in nutrients and antibodies. Collagen peptides are derived from collagen, a protein that provides structure to skin, bones, and connective tissues. Both colostrum and collagen peptides are known for their potential health benefits, such as supporting gut health, immunity, skin elasticity, and nail strength. The combination of colostrum and collagen peptides in a supplement can offer a synergistic approach to overall wellness.
  • Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals after giving birth, rich in nutrients and antibodies that support immunity and gut health. Grass-fed collagen is sourced from cattle that have been raised on a natural diet, known for promoting skin elasticity and nail strength. These components offer a range of health benefits when consumed as supplements.
  • The significance of strong sales on Amazon indicates a high level of consumer interest and trust in the product, as Amazon is a widely recognized and popular online retail platform. High sales on Amazon can also lead to increased visibility and exposure for the product, potentially attracting more customers. Additionally, positive sales performance on ...


  • The product's success on Amazon may not necessarily reflect its effectiveness or quality, as strong sales can sometimes be attributed to marketing strategies rather than the inherent value of the product.
  • While the "calves first" method of sourcing colostrum is presented as ethical, some consumers may question the ethics of using animal-derived ingredients and prefer plant-based alternatives.
  • The benefits of colostrum and collagen for overall wellness are not universally accepted by the scientific community, and some experts may argue that more research is needed to substantiate these claims.
  • The term "responsibly sourced" can be subjective, and some consumers may seek more transparency or third-party certifications to validate such claims. ...

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Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

Entrepreneurship Award

Mari and Greg win the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year award for the Los Angeles area

Mari Llewellyn and her partner Greg have triumphed in a highly competitive process to win the esteemed Entrepreneur of the Year award in Los Angeles, marking a pinnacle in Mari's career and providing poignant validation for the entrepreneurial path they've traveled. The journey to the award was rigorous, with over 200 applicants culled to a mere 30 finalists, making the win even more significant.

Highly competitive process with over 200 applicants narrowed down to 30 finalists

This annual search for the region's most innovative entrepreneurs saw its field narrow from a broad array of over 200 talented applicants to 30 esteemed finalists. For Mari and Greg, emerging as winners from this competitive pool has been an extraordinary honor, particularly given that it's a rarity for entrepreneurs to win on their first attempt.

Winning was an emotional experience for Mari and Greg, who felt validated in their entrepreneurial journey

The announcement at the award ceremony proved to be an emotional highlight for Mari and Greg, marked by initial confusion as they were missed for their acceptance speech, followed by a tender correction that allowed them to share their gratitude on stage. The oversight corrected, they were welcomed back amidst the audience's applause, resulting in an outpouring of tears and hugs that underscored the heartfelt nature of the occasion.

Mari recounted with Fiona Attix the rarity of entrepeneurs receiving such accolades, affirming the need to pause and appreciate the milestones achieved. She fondly reflected on Greg's evolution from collegiate struggles to remarkable CEO and acknowledged her entrepreneurial journey intertwined with his.

Event was a formal black-tie affair, which was a new experience for the team

The celebration took place as a black-tie event at the luxurious Beverly Hills Hotel, a venue befitting the prestigious award and marking the first formal event of its kind for Mari and her team. The splendor of the ceremony included fun videos of each company, shining a light on the la ...

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Entrepreneurship Award

Additional Materials


  • The Entrepreneur of the Year award in Los Angeles is a prestigious recognition that celebrates outstanding individuals who have demonstrated innovation, leadership, and success in the entrepreneurial realm. Winning this award signifies a high level of achievement and distinction within the local business community, highlighting the recipient's contributions to the economy and society. It serves as a platform to showcase the entrepreneurial talent in the region and provides valuable networking opportunities for the winners. The award can also enhance the recipients' credibility, visibility, and reputation in their industry and beyond.
  • The black-tie event at the Beverly Hills Hotel was a formal affair where attendees were expected to wear elegant evening attire. The venue choice added a touch of lu ...



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Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

Fiona's experience with Ozempic

A conversation between Mari and Fiona uncovers the realities of Fiona's experience with the diabetes medication, Ozempic, particularly its effects on weight loss.

Fiona has been taking the diabetes medication Ozempic for potential weight loss

Fiona, having received many questions about Ozempic after a fan approached Mari, shares her journey with the medication known for its potential weight loss benefits.

Experiences some minor side effects like fatigue and stomach discomfort, but nothing major

Fiona reports generally feeling good on Ozempic, despite minor side effects like tiredness and stomach unease post-injection. However, she hasn't faced any drastic adverse effects.

Has not seen dramatic weight loss, contrary to some others' experiences

Contrary to numerous online claims of significant weight loss, Fiona has only shed a few pounds since starting the medication, leaving her surprised at the contrast with others who report losing up to 30 pounds in a month.

Feels the need to continue working hard on diet and exercise, as Ozempic is not a "magic bullet"

The medication has affected her appetite, especially later in the day, but Fiona emphasizes the need for continued hard work in diet and exercise. She doesn't see Ozempic as a "cheat code" and plans to keep using it for a couple more months to observe its full impact, noting that mindset work has been a helpful complement.

Observes that people often assume the medication is solely responsible for any medi weight loss

After announcing her use of Ozempic, Fiona has noticed that people attribute any perceived weight loss to the medication rather than to her efforts, overshadowing the hard work she p ...

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Fiona's experience with Ozempic

Additional Materials


  • Ozempic is a medication primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes. It belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists, which work by helping the pancreas release insulin when blood sugar levels are high. In addition to managing blood sugar levels, Ozempic has been found to have potential benefits for weight loss in some individuals.
  • Ozempic is a medication primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes by helping to control blood sugar levels. One of its known side effects is weight loss, which has led to its off-label use for weight management in some cases. The weight loss effect is believed to be a result of how the medication affects appetite and metabolism in individuals. It is important to note that individual responses to Ozempic can vary, and not everyone may experience significant weight loss while using the medication.
  • Ozempic, a medication used to treat diabetes, can cause side effects like fatigue and stomach discomfort. These side effects are commonly experienced after taking the medication, but they are usually mild and not severe. It's important to note that individual experiences with side effects can vary, and consulting a healthcare provider is recommended for personalized guidance.
  • Fiona's experience with Ozempic differs from others in terms of weight loss outcomes. While some individuals claim significant weight loss with the medication, Fiona has only experienced a modest reduction in weight. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle alongside using Ozempic, as she views it as a complementary tool rather than a standalone solution. Fiona's observations highlight the variability in individual responses to Ozempic and the necessity of personalized approaches to managing weight.
  • Ozempic can affect appetite, often leading to decreased feelings of hunger. Fiona mentions that the medication has influenced her appetite, particularly later in the day, which suggests that Ozempic may help in controlling food intake. This change in appetite can be a factor in weight management while using the medication.
  • Fiona's regret over publicizing her use of Ozempic stem ...


  • Fiona's lack of dramatic weight loss could be due to a variety of factors, including individual metabolic differences, the severity of insulin resistance, or other underlying health conditions that affect weight.
  • The minor side effects Fiona experiences might be more significant for others, potentially leading to discontinuation of the medication for some patients.
  • While Fiona emphasizes the need for diet and exercise, some individuals might find that Ozempic significantly reduces their appetite, making it easier for them to lose weight without feeling the need for intense dietary or exercise regimens.
  • The assumption that Ozempic is solely responsible for weight loss might not be entirely unfounded, as the medication is designed to help with weight management, but it should be recognized that individual efforts also play a crucial role.
  • Fiona's weight loss, though modest, could still be clinically significant in terms of health benefits, even if it's not as much as she or others expected.
  • The frustration Fiona feels about others' perceptions could be mitigated by public education on how weight loss medi ...

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Girl Chat: Entrepreneur Of The Year, IVF, Fi’s Ozempic Update & Controversial Guests

Upcoming travel and events

Mari and Fiona are gearing up for a series of exciting trips and festivities, including a journey to Italy and celebrations on Long Island.

Mari and Fiona have various trips and celebrations planned

Fiona is set to embark on an international trip alongside the domestic festivities she and Mari plan to revel in.

Fiona is traveling to Italy at the end of the month

Fiona mentions she's due to travel to Italy by the end of the month, with her departure scheduled for next Wednesday. Although Fiona indicates feeling a bit worn out from previous travels, she's eager about the upcoming Italian trip. She's particularly excited about introducing Italy to Kenny, as he has never been, while it’s a meaningful return for her since studying there during her junior year.

Mari and Fiona will celebrate Fiona's birthday and the 4th of July on Long Island

Mari and Fiona have dual celebrations scheduled on Long Island: Fiona's birthday and the 4th of July. Mari is thrilled about Fiona flying from Europe to New York to meet her. Describing Long Island's North Fork as a cherished place, Mari reveals her intent to show Fiona around various iconic spots, including Greenport and Orie ...

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Upcoming travel and events

Additional Materials


  • Mari and Fiona are close friends who have exciting travel plans together, including a trip to Italy and celebrations on Long Island. Their bond is evident through their joint activities and shared enthusiasm for upcoming events. Fiona's upcoming trip to Italy and the joint celebrations on Long Island highlight the strong friendship and connection between Mari and Fiona.
  • Kenny is a person whom Fiona is excited to introduce to Italy during her upcoming trip. Fiona finds significance in this introduction as Kenny has never been to Italy before, making it a meaningful experience for both of them.
  • Greenport, Orient, and the Hamptons are all popular destinations on Long Island, New York. Greenport is a historic maritime village known for its charming downtown area and waterfront attractions. Orient is a quaint hamlet with a rural feel, featuring scenic beaches and nature preserves. The Hamptons, located on the South Fork of Long Island, are upscale seaside communities famous for their luxurious homes, beautiful beaches, and vibrant social scene.
  • Jorrie's is a restaurant known for its famous lobster cob, a signature dish that combines lobster meat with other ingredients like avocado, lettuce, and dressing. The lobster cob salad is a popu ...



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