PDF Summary:The Mother Tongue, by

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1-Page PDF Summary of The Mother Tongue

Around 1.5 billion people around the world speak English—roughly 20 percent of the human population. How has our language achieved this global status? How did English evolve over time into the language we speak and write today? What are its unique quirks, strengths, and shortcomings that set it apart from the world’s other languages? The Mother Tongue takes us on a journey through the history of the English language, exploring its richness and variety, and pointing the way toward what the future might have in store for it.


The most comparable figure in America was Noah Webster. Webster’s English dictionary was the most thorough of its day, with over 70,000 words catalogued. Driven by a fierce patriotic pride in his young nation and a conviction that American English was just as worthy of exaltation as British English, Webster contributed to some of the distinctive features and pronunciations of the language on his side of the Atlantic.

The crown jewel of all English dictionaries is the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Originally published in 1884, the OED set out not only to list and define every word used in the English language since the 12th century, but also to trace their etymologies and evolving meanings and spellings throughout history. With nearly half a million word entries, the OED is a staggering intellectual achievement, one of the greatest pieces of scholarship in world history. Nothing comparable exists in another language.

Word Origins

We’ve seen how different migrant groups to the British Isles shaped the overall structure of the language, aided by individual innovators like Shakespeare, Johnson, and Webster. But now, let’s take a closer look to see how specific words came to be formed. Words come into being by five main processes:

  1. Accident or mishearing—sweetheart was once sweetard, but evolved into its present form through persistent misuse.
  2. Borrowing or adapting from other languages, as with a word like breeze, derived from the Spanish briza (although this particular word has become so thoroughly anglicized that we forget it is actually derived from a foreign source).
  3. Invention out of whole cloth like, as in the way hound became dog, with no known explanation as to how it took place.
  4. Shifting meaning over time—nice, for example, has meant everything from foolish to strange to wanton to lascivious. Only in the mid-18th century did it acquire something akin to its present meaning.
  5. Alteration through prefixes and suffixes, like how an adjective like diverse can easily become a verb like diversify or a noun like diversification.

Pronunciation and Dialect

As we’ve seen, English words are derived from many different sources. This helps to explain why English is rich with varied pronunciation and dialects. There are an astonishing variety of dialects within England (let alone Wales, Scotland, and Ireland). The linguist Simeon Potter has observed that there is more difference in speech between two points 100 miles distant from each other in England than there is in the whole of North America.

One of the clearest manifestations of local dialect is slurring—the addition, subtraction, or substitution of letters in spoken English that aren’t reflected in the spelling. The general trend is one of subtraction, losing letters and syllables over time and letting pronunciations become looser and more casual. The words that tend to be slurred the most are local and familiar place-names—like how “Baltimore” becomes “Balamer” in the mouths of locals.

But it’s not just geography—social class can also be a powerful influence on English dialects. The American dialectologist William Labov observed in the 1930s that middle-class New Yorkers were far more likely to pronounce the r sound in words like door, car, and more than were their fellow working-class New Yorkers. Pronouncing one’s r sounds was an indicator of higher social status.

American English

American English differs in many respects from British English. Earlier, we explored the astonishing variety of dialects that can be found in the UK, even between towns that are short distances apart from one another. American speech, on the other hand, is comparatively homogenized, to such an extent that speakers on the East and West Coasts (roughly 3,000 miles apart) speak with virtually indistinguishable accents.

Indeed, despite the massive waves of immigration during the 19th century, American speech patterns did not diverge over time; instead, they converged. The movement of people within the US created a linguistic melting pot of intermingling, which homogenized speech patterns. As time went on, people faced social pressures to conform to “normal” American speech, especially the children of immigrants, who faced even stronger pressure to shed the accents and idioms of their parents.

Over time, English-speaking Americans developed their own unique vocabulary and pronunciations, many of which became widely adopted in England, as well as in whole other languages. The ubiquitous ok is maybe the best example, having worked its way into languages across every inhabited continent. Its history and origins are unclear, although linguists believe it may have arisen out the ironic wordplay of early 19th century American jokesters. Around this time, some well-educated young people in American cities led a fad of creating acronyms for deliberately misspelled phrases—thus, “ok” came from “oll korrect,” meaning “all correct.”

America has exerted a powerful influence over English, especially as the reach of US media and Hollywood films has extended around the world. American idioms like don’t have are replacing haven’t got in Britain, while truck is gradually edging out the more uniquely British lorry. We can also see this in British spelling, as the u in humour and colour is slowly becoming extinct in the UK.

The Success of English Around the World

We’ve seen how English evolved over a long historical process, spreading to America where it took on its own unique form—which, in turn, shaped how the language was spoken in the mother country. But the reach of English, of course, extends far beyond Britain and America—English is a world language, with official status in 59 countries, a higher figure than for any other language. Of course, not everyone in these countries actually speaks English (in fact, many people in the US and the UK don’t) but its widespread reach can’t be denied. How did it achieve this global status?

The residual historical legacy of the British Empire, plus the emergence of the United States as a global superpower, naturally played major roles in rendering English the global lingua franca. But certain features of the language itself aided in its worldwide adoption by native speakers of other languages: Its spelling is relatively phonetic; it is almost entirely free of gendered nouns; and it lacks the accent marks and diacritics that subtly transform pronunciation. Thus, it is relatively easy to speak and write English.

Moreover, English is based on a phonetic alphabet. That is, the written characters correspond to particular sounds. This is a great advantage and makes writing and pronouncing words simple, because there are only so many sounds that can be represented by the letters. It limits the number of characters that comprise the writing system.

We’ve seen how, even in its earliest stages, English was highly flexible in accepting new words from Norse and Norman French. The process also works the other way around—English words themselves have been readily adopted by other languages, often with only slight modifications to fit the native tongue. The Japanese, in particular, are adept at adapting English words into their notoriously difficult and inaccessible language. These are known as wasei-eigo, or “Japanese-made-English.” Thus, smart became sumato, rush hour became rushawa, idol became aidoru, and so on.

Quirks of English

We’ve explored the origins of English, its evolution over time, and its emergence as a dominant language of global business and politics. But English is also a language of literature and oratory, capable of eloquently expressing the most powerful human emotions and desires. It possesses a number of unique properties, quirks, and complexities that set it apart from other tongues. What, then, are some of the language’s unique traits that make it so rich and evocative?

One of the best ways to get a true flavor of the English language is through its swear words. Unlike some other languages, like Japanese, English features a rich vocabulary of swear words. English swear words derive their power from the fact that they are highly emotive, as well as forbidden, and tend to be oriented around two themes: obscenity, which is either the disgusting and/or taboo (often having to do with bodily functions or sex); or blasphemy, which involves sacrilege or invoking the name of God in vain. In English, shit, piss, fuck, and cunt would fall into the former category; hell, damn, goddamn and Jesus Christ (in certain contexts) would fall into the latter.

Cunt is perhaps the most obscene word in the English language, but it was entirely commonplace and inoffensive a few centuries ago, existing even in the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare. Throughout the history of the English language, however, there have been shifting definitions of which words were and weren’t considered offensive. What was perfectly acceptable in one era could be considered highly offensive in another.

By the Victorian Age (1837-1901), many English words that would have scarcely raised an eyebrow in the Middle Ages or in Shakespeare’s time were considered totally out of bounds. Indeed, this era was famous for its prudishness and squeamishness. Even non-taboo parts of the body were considered too delicate to mention in polite society. Thus, legs became limbs and belly became midriff.

Beyond the ingenuity one can deploy with swearing (fuck alone is incredibly versatile, able to express the full range of emotions and be used as any part of speech), English affords ample opportunity for wordplay and creativity. The forms of wordplay are greatly varied.

Palindromes (sentences spelled the same backwards and forwards) are among the most creative and most challenging to write. Consider how difficult it is to come up with a palindrome like “Rise to vote sir” or “A nut for a jar of tuna” that satisfy the criteria and form coherent statements.

Anagrams (words or phrases made from rearranging the letters of other words and phrases) are also highly popular. Thus, one can turn Emperor Octavian into “Captain over Rome” or Osama Bin Laden into “Is bad man alone.”

Perhaps the most famous wordplay in spoken English is the phenomenon of cockney rhyming slang. This is a linguistic characteristic specific to the cockneys of London’s East End, believed to have started around the mid-19th century. In this rhyming slang, the speaker replaces a word (like mate) with a multi-word phrase (like china plate), the last word of which rhymes with the word that’s been replaced. Thus, “How are you, mate?” would become “How are you, china plate?” But in reality, it goes a step further. The second, rhyming word is often dropped. Thus, “How are you, mate?” would really become “How are you, china?” This renders the etymology of these phrases deeply obscure and often baffling to outsiders.

Next Steps for English

Given its dominant status, it is convenient, advantageous, and expedient for people around the world to have a working knowledge of English. Yet even within countries that have high levels of English proficiency, people are still quite proud of their native languages and wish to preserve them. Indeed, many parts of the world view the English language itself as a symbol of western colonialism.

For these reasons, English speakers should never be reduced to complacency by the seeming triumph of their language. Things can always change, and the supremacy of English may one day be supplanted by a rival claimant.

What, then, is the future of the language? With America’s powerful economic and cultural influence over the world, the likely trajectory seems to be a homogenization of English to conform to the way it's spoken in the United States. These trends are reinforced by the influences of mass media, which expose us to dialects of speech that we would never have otherwise heard. Thus, a melting pot of English, rather than a polarization of different dialects, looks to be where we’re headed.

On the one hand, this is positive. Americans, Britons, Australians, Canadians, South Africans, Jamaicans, and all other English-speaking nations will understand one another better, creating stronger conditions for political, social, and economic cooperation. But, on the other hand, something irreplaceable would be lost—the variety and flavor of our rich and beautiful language.

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Here's a preview of the rest of Shortform's The Mother Tongue PDF summary:

PDF Summary Chapter 1: The Origins of English


Some of the most interesting and insightful work on language origins has been done through the study of how children first learn and acquire it. Noam Chomsky observed that even newborn infants seem to possess some innate understanding of language and a basic template for how words are supposed to be ordered and sequenced. For example, before they turn two, most children seem to grasp the difference between stative (“I like bananas”) and non-stative verbs (“I am liking bananas”) and rarely ever make this grammatical mistake again.

The Indo-European Language Family

Linguists have discovered that many of the languages spoken in Europe and Asia today, as well as many languages of the ancient world, belong to one great Indo-European family of languages. There are even linkages between languages separated by vast reaches of space, like the Basque spoken in some parts of Spain and certain Native American languages.


Linguists have yet to discover a single master Indo-European parent language or identify the precise geographical area where it may have originated....

PDF Summary Chapter 2: Later Development of English


Interestingly, this was the era in which Englishmen were beginning to colonize North America. The American descendants of English settlers in New England and Virginia were thus cut off from the great linguistic developments taking place back in the British Isles. Early American speech thus preserved many relics and vestiges of Elizabethan English that had long since died out in the mother country. One example is the er sound in a word like mercy, which was pronounced like marcy by Elizabethan Britons (with the a sound being further back in the throat). This pronunciation survived in parts of the United States well into the 19th century, hundreds of years after its virtual extinction in England.

The Evolution of English Spelling

These shifts in pronunciation led to strange divergences between how words were spelled and how they were pronounced. The troublesome orthography (the set of conventions for writing) of English can still be seen in words like debt, know, knead, and colonel, with their silent letters, as well as their hidden, but pronounced letters. How did these divergences come to be?

The Normans had noticed the unusual orthography of English...

PDF Summary Chapter 3: Flexibility of English


Even the great lexicographers we met in the previous chapter failed to achieve a standard of uniform spelling. Spellings are not even fully standardized in works like Webster’s New World Dictionary or the American Heritage Dictionary. Studies have shown that even college-level students frequently misspell words like professor and rhythm (ironically, misspell itself is often written incorrectly, with spellers leaving out an extra s or i).

Parts of Speech

Another compilation of English arising from its versatility is the variability of the parts of speech themselves. In English, the parts of speech are quite loose and interchangeable. Unlike those languages whose grammatical structures derived more from Latin, English mostly lacks hard and fast rules governing tense, split infinitives, or any number of thorny grammatical or syntactic issues. For example, many words serve as both verbs and nouns. You can take a drive (noun) or drive a car (verb); you can go to a dance (noun) or you can dance to the beat (verb). The “rules” governing which words are which parts of speech are largely arbitrary. They are what they are because of custom and historical...

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PDF Summary Chapter 4: English Beyond England


Some elements of otherwise obscure English dialects have gone mainstream, largely due to the legacy of the British Empire. The common American word peek, as in “to take a peek,” was once confined to a small corner of East Anglia (most other English people would say peep or squint), but because migrants from this region settled in the New World, the word got an unlikely new lease on life. Likewise, the ubiquitous American yeah was, until the mid-20th century, an obscure local word used only in certain regions of southeast England.

Divergence Between British and American English

Of course, we can’t discuss the evolution and influence of the English language without exploring the major role played by English as it’s spoken in the United States. American English differs in many respects from British English.

In Chapter 2, we saw how the first English settlers were arriving in the New World just as major linguistic changes like the Great Vowel Shift were sweeping the mother country. This was an immediate point of divergence between what would become the two main branches of the language.

Of course, this divergence was a long and slow historical process....

PDF Summary Chapter 5: The Richness of English


American Place-Names

Not to be outdone, the United States has its own roster of names that bedevil non-natives. Like in England, many of these names are products of conquests of indigenous peoples. Thus did Missikamaa become Michigan and šhíyena become Cheyenne. Similar processes unfolded with place-names that had their origins in French, Dutch, and Spanish names. The United States also has colorful names in abundance, from Screamer, Alabama to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

Some American place-names or nicknames have unknown or dubious origins, like the Hawkeye State (Iowa) or the Hoosier State (Indiana). Perhaps the most famous misnaming of a place by outside conquerors is the West Indies. Europeans who first journeyed to this part of the Caribbean believed that they had arrived in India (largely due to a glaring navigational and cartographic error by Christopher Columbus). Hence the name for the place and the name that has stuck to the indigenous peoples of the New World ever since: Indians.


English surnames tell a rich and interesting story. For much of the Middle Ages, ordinary people did not have any need for surnames. They lived in...

PDF Summary Conclusion: The Road Ahead for English


With America’s powerful economic and cultural influence over the world, the most likely trajectory seems to be a homogenization of English to conform to the way it's spoken in the United States. These trends are reinforced by the influences of mass media, which expose us to dialects of speech that we would never have otherwise heard. Thus, a melting pot of English, rather than a polarization of different dialects, looks to be where we’re headed.

On the one hand, this is positive. Americans, Britons, Australians, Canadians, South Africans, Jamaicans, and all other English-speaking nations will understand one another better, creating stronger conditions for political, social, and economic cooperation. But, on the other hand, something irreplaceable would be lost—the variety and flavor of our rich and beautiful language.

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