PDF Summary:The Communist Manifesto, by

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1-Page PDF Summary of The Communist Manifesto

Manifesto of the Communist Party, better known as The Communist Manifesto, outlines the beliefs of the Communists and the program of the Communist League, a worker’s party. The Communists were concerned about social and political inequality—conditions that still exist today—and via the manifesto, share their concerns and proposed solutions.


  1. Create a progressive or graduated income tax. This will spread wealth more equally among all members of the population and eliminate classes.
  2. Abolish inheritance. This will eliminate wealth being held by a few instead of distributed among everyone.
  3. Take away the property of emigrants and rebels. Emigrants who are living abroad and left possessions behind obviously aren’t currently using them, so they can be better used by the general population. Rebels who oppose the Proletariat also shouldn’t be allowed to have property.
  4. Create a national bank using state capital. Private banks simply hold money. A national bank could use money to improve social conditions.
  5. Put the state in charge of communication and transportation. If the state controls these things, rather than an oppressor, everyone will have access to them.
  6. Expand and improve the state’s control of infrastructure and land. Currently, people aren’t making good use of resources. The state can allocate resources in a way that most benefits everyone.
  7. Require everyone to work and require working conditions to be decent. This will result in everyone contributing to society.
  8. Decentralize jobs from cities by combining agriculture and manufacturing. This will reduce geographic inequity and make better use of resources.
  9. Abolish child labor, create public schools, and give all children free education. This will improve the lives of children.

(Shortform note: We’ve added explanations of each measure, based on widely-held interpretations.)

Responses to Criticism

Here are some criticisms of Communists and how they respond:

  • Communism encourages universal laziness. If abolishing private property led to universal laziness, everyone would already be lazy, because laborers make up most of the population and don’t have any private property.
  • Communism abolishes culture, freedom, family structures, and countries. The Proletariat already lacks these things. The Bourgeoisie has abolished them all in the course of viewing laborers as commodities rather than people.
  • Communism upheaves the educational system. The Communists simply want school to be available to everyone, not just the Bourgeoisie.
  • Communism makes women collective property. This criticism is rooted in misdefinition. Because the Bourgeoisie consider their wives to be property or tools, when they hear the Communists say they want to abolish private property and use tools for the common good, the Bourgeoisie think that their wives are included. However, the Communists don’t consider women to be property or tools.
  • Communism destroys religion. Religion’s ideas and values always change and evolve over time. Communism isn’t changing anything that isn’t already editable.

The Communist League and Other Groups

At the time of publication, the Manifesto of the Communist Party wouldn’t have been described as socialist. In 1848, Marx defines “socialists” as non-working class members who look for help from classes other than the ones they belong to. Socialists are interested in improving social conditions, and they think it’s possible to do so by improving the existing political system, rather than through the total social change the Communists call for. The manifesto discusses several kinds of socialism:

  • Feudal and petty bourgeois (lower middle class) socialism. These socialists support the Proletariat, but only because the Proletariat have the best chance of taking down the Bourgeoisie, and because the Bourgeoisie were responsible for the fall of both the aristocrats and lower middle class. These socialists are interested in their own ends.
  • German/“true” socialism. In 1848, the German Bourgeoisie class isn’t fully developed yet. As a result, German socialism is theoretical and based on French socialist literature. This socialism is more about human interests in general since Germany hadn’t experienced class struggle yet.
  • Conservation/bourgeois socialism. These socialists realize that the social conditions the Bourgeoisie have created are unstable. They don’t want revolt, so they aim to appease some of the Proletariat’s social grievances and/or convince the Proletariat that all they need are better working conditions, not reform.
  • Critical-utopian socialism. Critical-utopian socialists want to improve the lives of everyone, regardless of class. Currently, they support the Proletariat because it’s the most suffering class, but their allegiance is to whichever class is in the worst place, not the Proletariat specifically.

While Communist values don’t align perfectly with those of socialists, they do align with those of working class parties—the Communists support any movement that rebels against the social and political conditions of the day. The only differences between the Communists and working class parties are that the Communists are interested in the Proletariat on a larger scale—most parties are focused on specific countries or incidents, while the Communists are interested in the movement of class struggles as a whole.

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Here's a preview of the rest of Shortform's The Communist Manifesto PDF summary:

PDF Summary Chapter 1


According to Marx, all of human history is based in class struggles between oppressors and the oppressed. For example, serfs struggled against lords. Each conflict ended in either change to the social system or ruin for both classes involved in the struggle. By the time the manifesto was written, however, the multi-class system had narrowed into two main classes—the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie.


We’ll start by discussing the Bourgeoisie class since their development led to the development of the Proletariat. The Bourgeoisie employ laborers and own private property and businesses such as factories.

The Bourgeoisie class developed during feudal times. Two things contributed to their development:

  • Changes to production. In earlier times, guilds controlled industry. As markets expanded (partly due to the discovery of America and the rounding of the Horn), however, the guilds couldn’t keep up and were replaced by the manufacturing system. The owners of the manufacturing system became wealthy and eventually became the Bourgeoisie.
  • Increased political power. Changes to economic structures drive changes in social structures. The...

PDF Summary Chapter 2: Communists and the Proletariat


  1. Require everyone to work and require working conditions to be decent. This will result in everyone contributing to society.
  2. Decentralize jobs from cities by combining agriculture and manufacturing. This will reduce geographic inequity and make better use of resources.
  3. Abolish child labor, create public schools, and give all children free education. This will improve the lives of children.

(Shortform note: We’ve added explanations of each measure, based on widely-held interpretations.)

Political power only exists to allow one class to oppress another. The Proletariat will only briefly be the ruling class. After the above measures have been carried out and all class distinctions fade, political power will cease to exist.

Responses to Criticism

The critics of Communism, such as the Bourgeoisie, don’t have a lot of ground to stand on. Communists can address all of their criticisms, particularly the ones about abolishment. Many of the things communists want to “abolish” have already been abolished—by the Bourgeoisie—for the majority of the population. For example, the only people who have private property are the 10% of the population that makes up the...

PDF Summary Chapter 3: The Communist League and Other Groups


  • German/“true” socialism. At the time of writing, the Bourgeoisie class isn’t yet fully developed in Germany. German socialism is composed of generalized ideas taken from French socialist literature. Since the “true” socialists haven’t actually experienced any conflict between the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie, unlike the French, the German philosophy is more about human interests in general than class struggle.

Conservative/Bourgeois Socialism

Conservative/bourgeois socialists are members of the Bourgeoisie who realize that the social system they’ve created is unstainable. However, they don’t want to do away with the two-class system, they simply want to do away with the revolutionary tendencies of the Proletariat. They do this by trying to appease some of the Proletariat’s social grievances or by trying to convince the Proletariat that they don’t need political reform, just better working and life conditions. These conditions would be achieved through administrative reform rather than revolution.

Critical-Utopian Socialism (and Communism)

This school of thought developed when the Bourgeoisie and Proletariat were just starting to come into existence and...

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