Who's Got Your Back
The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success--And Won't Let You Fail
Ranked #35 in Networking
Disregard the myth of the lone professional “superman” and the rest of our culture’s go-it alone mentality. The real path to success in your work and in your life is through creating an inner circle of “lifeline relationships” – deep, close relationships with a few key trusted individuals who will offer the encouragement, feedback, and generous mutual support every one of us needs to reach our full potential. Whether your dream is to lead a company, be a top producer in your field, overcome the self-destructive habits that hold you back, lose weight or make a difference in the larger world,... more
Reviews and Recommendations
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Antonio Eram This book was recommended by Antonio when asked for titles he would recommend to young people interested in his career path. (Source)