Ranked #47 in Valuation
Determine a company's value, what drives it, and how to enhance value during a M&A
Valuation for M&A lays out the steps for measuring and managing value creation in non-publicly traded entities, and helps investors, executives, and their advisors determine the optimum strategy to enhance both market value and strategic value and maximize return on investment.
As a starting point in planning for a transaction, it is helpful to compute fair market value, which represents a "floor" value for the seller since it by definition represents a value agreed... more
Valuation for M&A lays out the steps for measuring and managing value creation in non-publicly traded entities, and helps investors, executives, and their advisors determine the optimum strategy to enhance both market value and strategic value and maximize return on investment.
As a starting point in planning for a transaction, it is helpful to compute fair market value, which represents a "floor" value for the seller since it by definition represents a value agreed... more