Ranked #68 in Victorian, Ranked #81 in GRE — see more rankings.
The first of Trollope’s popular Barsetshire novels, set in the fictional cathedral town of Barchester, The Warden centers on the honorable cleric Septimus Harding, one of Trollope’s most memorable characters. When Harding is accused of mismanaging church funds, his predicament lays bare the complexities of the Victorian world and of nineteenth-century provincial life. And, as Louis Auchincloss observes in his Introduction, “The theme of The Warden presents the kind of social problem that always fascinated Trollope: the inevitable clash of ancient privilege with modern social... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Warden from the world's leading experts.

Peter Stothard It is a nuanced book and a good one for any editor to read. (Source)

Kathleen Taylor The Warden is interesting because, again, you don’t get that many books…that have an old man as the protagonist. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Warden is ranked in the following categories:
- #100 in Folio Society
- #82 in GRE Prep