Ranked #3 in Climate Change, Ranked #3 in Global Warming — see more rankings.
This is only a preview of the changes to come. And they are coming fast. Without a revolution in how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth could become close to uninhabitable, and other... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Uninhabitable Earth from the world's leading experts.

Elizabeth Kolbert AuthorDavid Wallace-Wells argues that the impacts of climate change will be much graver than most people realize, and he's right. The Uninhabitable Earth is a timely and provocative work. (Source)

Shane Parrish I don't know a lot about climate change, but I'm interested in learning more in this big gnarly topic. Wallace-Wells offers a potential portrait of what could happen, using science to show us how our lives will almost inevitably change. He also explores possibilities for what living in this new world could do to politics, our economy, our health, etc. While outcomes are impossible to know with any precision, the path seems clear. (Source)

Jonathan Safran Foer Most of us know the gist, if not the details, of the climate change crisis. And yet it is almost impossible to sustain strong feelings about it. David Wallace-Wells has now provided the details, and with writing that is not only clear and forceful, but often imaginative and even funny, he has found a way to make the information deeply felt. (Source)

Gerald Butts This is a terrific book. Not as depressing as it may sound, even oddly hopeful in the end. Great read if you suddenly have time on your hands. https://t.co/2Bo5DeT3Aa (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Uninhabitable Earth is ranked in the following categories:
- #59 in Earth Science
- #24 in Ecology
- #68 in Energy
- #6 in Environment
- #15 in Environmental Science
- #12 in Environmental Studies
- #14 in Environmentalism
- #60 in Futurism
- #79 in Nature
- #27 in Sustainability