The Strange Death of Europe

Immigration, Identity, Islam

Recommended by Anirban Ganguly, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #31 in Islam, Ranked #65 in Current Affairssee more rankings.

A controversial and devastatingly honest depiction of the demise of Europe.

The Strange Death of Europe is the internationally bestselling account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Douglas Murray takes a step back and explores the deeper issues behind the continent's possible demise, from an atmosphere of mass terror attacks and a global refugee crisis to the steady erosion of our freedoms. He addresses the disappointing failure of multiculturalism, Angela Merkel’s U-turn on migration, and the Western fixation on guilt. Murray travels to Berlin,...

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Strange Death of Europe from the world's leading experts.

Anirban Ganguly Philosopher @Roger_Scruton calls it a "vitally important book".For those of us who are from #WestBengal, #Assam &NE this should be a must read especially in the backdrop of the #NRC & infiltration debate.Unchecked infiltration gnaws away at our civilisational roots! (Source)

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