Ranked #52 in Singing
(Limelight). Author Goldman, a staunch homophobe, analyzes Broadway from the perspective of the audiences, playwrights, critics, producers and actors. "A loose-limbed, gossipy, insider, savvy, nuts-and-bolts report on the annual search for the winning numbers that is now big-time American commercial theatre." Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times less
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Season from the world's leading experts.

Charles Isherwood This book is an exhaustively researched assessment of a single Broadway season in 1967-68. He interviewed pretty much everyone involved with every show. The book is useful even today, because it analyses every production that opened that season and uses each to illustrate a different point about Broadway, the various forms of theatre, and the economics of putting on a show. He also shows how difficult it is to make money. Most Broadway shows never turn a profit, which makes it a very strange business but for the fact that a lot of people make money on shows that don’t return the investment of... (Source)