Ranked #5 in Africa, Ranked #9 in Tribal — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Poisonwood Bible from the world's leading experts.

Brigid Keenan This is about everything that can go wrong when you are in another country and faced with another culture. It’s about a family – primarily it centres on a father and his four daughters – who move to the Congo from America as missionaries. The book is tragic because the father has the best intentions of making a good life for his family, but he’s too closed-minded and set in his American ways. I identify with the daughters because they have a childish sensitivity to their surroundings that adults don’t always have. It is important if you go to live in other countries to be aware of the... (Source)

Michelle Jana Chan It’s quite an old-fashioned story of sin and redemption, yet a hugely ambitious tale for Kingsolver to take on. It’s about filial responsibility as a wife and as daughters and sisters; it’s about guilt, bitterness and revenge. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Poisonwood Bible is ranked in the following categories:
- #54 in 12th Grade
- #54 in 17-Year-Old
- #54 in 18-Year-Old
- #62 in AA
- #19 in African
- #25 in African History
- #99 in Award-Winning
- #55 in Awarded
- #81 in Bestseller
- #86 in Book Club
- #67 in Bucket List
- #60 in Catalog
- #20 in Conversation
- #68 in Culture
- #61 in Dramatic
- #56 in Family
- #85 in Fiction
- #97 in High School Reading
- #62 in Historical Fiction
- #82 in Human Nature
- #42 in Literary
- #66 in Long
- #90 in Modern
- #22 in Modern Fiction
- #68 in Morality
- #11 in Oprah
- #24 in Options
- #30 in Orange
- #83 in Popular
- #44 in Poster
- #70 in Pulitzer Prize
- #67 in Recent
- #46 in Religion
- #56 in Resilience
- #16 in Sister
- #27 in Strong Women
- #71 in Thought-Provoking
- #29 in Top Ten
- #32 in Trade
- #33 in Twins
- #72 in Used
- #54 in Vacation
- #52 in Wanderlust
- #78 in Women
- #52 in World