Ranked #7 in Baseball, Ranked #45 in Abstract — see more rankings.
Like the original, The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract is really several books in one. The Game provides a century's worth of American baseball history, told one decade at a time, with energetic facts and figures about How, Where, and by... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract from the world's leading experts.

Joe Posnanski Bill is a very good friend of mine. He was always a baseball fan, but in the 1970s he started looking at baseball and asking all these questions about the game. Was it really the way people described it, in terms of the strategy of the game and the focus of the game? He found that in many, many ways it was not. And he just started writing about it. He’s a brilliant writer. The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract is his big thing; it’s an entire history of baseball. There’s a section where he goes through decade by decade, telling all the biggest stories about the game. There’s another... (Source)
Rankings by Category
The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract is ranked in the following categories:
- #96 in Statistics