Ranked #14 in Sex, Ranked #16 in Human Sexuality — see more rankings.
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Joy of Sex from the world's leading experts.

Tyler Cowen Founder/Marginal Revolution UniversityHonorable mentions: Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and The Joy of Sex, all given to me by my mother. I believe they helped inculcate some of the 1960s-70s ethos of individual freedom into my thinking. (Source)

Kate Figes It seems so innocent really now, all those daring explanations of S and M and positions, but it was before Aids and people were so optimistic. It was as though we’d discovered sex and free love. (Source)

Susan Quilliam This was a seminal book. It not only reflected but created the sexual revolution. Even now, people who haven’t read it know what it’s about. (Source)