The Good Jobs Strategy
How the Smartest Companies Invest in Employees to Lower Costs and Boost Profits
Ranked #48 in Retail, Ranked #63 in Business Ethics — see more rankings.
But in The Good Jobs Strategy, Zeynep Ton, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, makes the compelling case that even in low-cost settings, leaving employees... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Good Jobs Strategy from the world's leading experts.

Doug McMillon CEO/WalmartHere's a list of the top books that taught and inspired me this year. I go back to Sam Walton's book frequently and was struck, this year, by some common principles between Sam and General McChrystal. It seems they learned some similar things about what works when it comes to leading teams. For example, fostering a shared consciousness and empowering execution delivers results. Greg Foran shared The Good Jobs Strategy with me and I see a connection to Tim Brown's Change by Design. We are making progress in designing a "system" for our associates that results in opportunities for them and an... (Source)

Sarah Taber Also check out @zeynepton's Good Jobs Strategy book for some FANTASTIC info about how to organize a business for good working conditions & wages. It's both very much against the MBA consensus & super well-backed by research into real business's results with alternative methods. (Source)
Rankings by Category
The Good Jobs Strategy is ranked in the following categories:
- #72 in Operations Management