Ranked #14 in Stock Market Investing, Ranked #14 in Investment — see more rankings.
The definitive work concerning Warren Buffett and intelligent investment philosophy, this is a collection of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades that together furnish an enormously valuable informal education. The letters distill in plain words all the basic principles of sound business practices. They are arranged and introduced by a leading apostle of the "value" school and noted author, Lawrence Cunningham. Here in one place are the priceless pearls of business and investment wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative on the major... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Essays of Warren Buffett from the world's leading experts.

Warren Buffett CEO/Berkshire HathawayRecommends this book

Michael Hebenstreit If you want to get into stock trading or in case you want to become an investor, then I definitely would recommend to read the book I already mentioned and in addition: The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett. (Source)