In the aftermath of World War II, America stood alone as the world’s premier military power. Yet its martial confidence contrasted vividly with its sense of cultural inferiority. Still looking to a defeated and dispirited Europe for intellectual and artistic guidance, the burgeoning transnational elite in New York and Washington embraced not only the war’s refugees, but many of their ideas as well, and nothing has proven more pernicious than those of the Frankfurt School and its reactionary philosophy of “critical theory.”
In The Devil's Pleasure Palace, Michael Walsh... more
In The Devil's Pleasure Palace, Michael Walsh... more
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Denise Mcallister False. It’s straight out of the Frankfurt School and has deeply influenced higher education and our culture. @dkahanerules has an amazing book on this. I challenge you to read it. https://t.co/BC9KmNOJhU https://t.co/WzYmv7kVcs (Source)