Ranked #7 in Parapsychology
This myth-shattering book explains the evidence for the veracity of psychic phenomena, uniting the teachings of mystics, the theories of quantum physics, and the latest in high-tech experiments. With painstaking research and deft, engaging prose, Radin dispels the misinformation and superstition that have clouded the understanding of scientists and laypeople alike concerning a host of fascinating oddities. Psychokinesis, remote viewing, prayer, jinxes, and more--all are real, all have been scientifically proven, and the proof is in this book.
Radin draws from his own work at... more
Radin draws from his own work at... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Conscious Universe from the world's leading experts.

Larry Dossey Dr Radin’s books all go into the scientific evidence for his view that consciousness is not restricted to brain, body or the present moment. (Source)