The Chickens Are Restless

Recommended by Tom Gauld, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #44 in Cartoons

A collection of cartoons by the American creator of the Far Side, whose demonic and subtle views of the fauna of our planet have made him one of the world's best selling cartoonists.
1993 FarWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Far Side and the Larson signature are registered trademarks of FarWorks, Inc.

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Chickens Are Restless from the world's leading experts.

Tom Gauld The Far Side is the working of a really strange mind. What really appeals to me about this cartoon – and you get it with all the people I’ve chosen, but particularly I think with Larson – is the way you go back into his world each time. (Source)

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