The Book of Awakening

Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have

Ranked #13 in Mediation, Ranked #14 in Zen Buddhismsee more rankings.

Philosopher-poet and cancer survivor, Mark Nepo opens a new season of freedom and joy--an escape from deadening, asleep-at-the wheel sameness--that is both profound and clarifying. His spiritual daybook is a summons to reclaim aliveness, liberate the self, take each day one at a time, and to savor the beauty offered by life's unfolding. Reading his poetic prose is like being given second sight, exposing the reader to life's multiple dimensions, each one drawn with awe and affection. The Book of Awakening is the result of his journey of the soul and will inspire others to embark on their own.... more

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Book of Awakening from the world's leading experts.

Jamie Lee Curtis The most important book I have ever read, the best gift I have ever given. A daily touchstone to center, balance, inspire & comfort. I was honored @marknepo asked me to write the forward for this 20th anniversary edition. It is available now for pre-order. Publication date 1/1/20 (Source)

Marian Keyes Oh! So GREAT! If you're able, PLEASE read her powerful book. (Source)

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