India is the world's largest democracy, with more than one billion people and an economy expanding faster than China's. But the rewards of this growth have been far from evenly shared, and the country's top 1% now own nearly 60% of its wealth. In megacities like Mumbai, where half the population live in slums, the extraordinary riches of India's new dynasties echo the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers of yesterday, funneling profits from huge conglomerates into lifestyles... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Billionaire Raj from the world's leading experts.

Tyler Cowen Founder/Marginal Revolution UniversityWho are the Indian nouveau riche and what do they want? James Crabtree’s The Billionaire Raj will prove the defining work on these questions. It is a must-read for anyone interested in wealth, inequality, India, or the evolution of capitalism. (Source)

Nicolas Colin The Billionaire Raj is a book by Singapore-based Financial Times alumnus James Crabtree. It depicts the radical change that India is currently going through, with the rise of extreme inequalities and the capture of the political system by wealthy families. What’s striking in James’s riveting painting of modern India is the optimism with which he describes the current state of things: not necessarily the end of the story, but rather a passing phase before the Indian economy becomes more sustainable and inclusive. (Thanks John Thornhill for the introduction!) (Source)

Rafat Ali Started reading @jamescrabtree’s Gilded Age book & enjoying it, less optimistic than him on U.S. vs China vs India future. I fully believe future of how the world lives is being created in SE Asia. The future will be best tested in South East Asia, even if it isn’t created there. (Source)