Ranked #53 in Psychoanalysis
Hysteria—the tormenting of the body by the troubled mind—is among the most pervasive of human disorders; yet, at the same time, it is the most elusive. Freud’s recognition that hysteria stemmed from traumas in the patient’s past transformed the way we think about sexuality. Studies in Hysteria is one of the founding texts of psychoanalysis, revolutionizing our understanding of love, desire, and the human psyche. As full of compassionate human interest as of scientific insight, these case histories are also remarkable, revelatory works of literature.
For more than seventy years,... more
For more than seventy years,... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Studies in Hysteria from the world's leading experts.

Suzanne O'Sullivan This was the starting point when people first considered the idea that stress and psychological distress can be ‘converted’ into physical symptoms. (Source)