String Theory, Volume 1
An Introduction to the Bosonic String (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)

Ranked #38 in Models, Ranked #77 in Nuclear Physics — see more rankings.
String theory has advanced rapidly over the last 15 years and is increasingly seen as the best, and perhaps only, route to the complete unification of the four fundamental forces--the so-called theory of everything. This text provides, in two volumes, a thoroughly modern and comprehensive introduction to strings and superstrings, and brings the reader up to date on the latest developments in string duality, M-theory, D-branes, and the application of string theory to black hole quantum mechanics. The author is one of the world's top string theorists, and is also known as a clear and cogent... more
Reviews and Recommendations
We've comprehensively compiled reviews of String Theory, Volume 1 from the world's leading experts.

Steven Gubser Polchinki’s book stands as a very different achievement. It’s something which he spent years writing and refining, so it’s this gorgeously edited and refined book. He also retains an impressive website where he’s caught all the errors in the equations, and corrected them. It is a work of tremendous care and detail, but it doesn’t quite have that quality of Green, Schwarz, Witten of being the instant classic. It’s more the considered classic. (Source)